Chapter 15: Why Does Everyone Hate Me?

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Chapter 15: Why does everyone hate me?

"This isn't normal." I repeated. "You actually, by law, have to let me go."

I have been at the police station for three hours. It was now tomorrow and all I want to do is go home. I put my arm down from my head, wiping the blood off on my jeans. Let me warn you; Melissa can sure throw a punch.

She had beaten me up pretty bad, then basically pulled me here and demanded i be arrested for murdering her sister. So they put me in a cell... they also put her in a cell. Apparently it isn't legal to beat up a citizen and accuse them of murder with no evidence. Apparently.

I would've felt sorry for her but that ship had sailed soon after I was spitting blood. Of course, with me being in a police station without a mask, I was soon identified as Lily Dawson (much too Melissa's confusion). Now they were going to interrogate me and let me tell you, I was beyond annoyed.

The police officer I had been moaning at was getting irritated, making sure to count down the second too my interrogation, where he'd finally be free of me. I didn't really have anything else to say so I started drumming my fingers.

Dum dum-dum, dada dum, dum dum-dum, dada dum, dum dum-dum, dada-

"Miss Dawson, would you come with me?" Came another voice, I looked at this new officer, what was his name? I really wanted to say no, to see what would happen. I'm sure I had insulted him last time I was here. Oh well.

I followed the guy down to the interrogation room and sat down obediently, Comissioner Gordan across fro me. I could see from his expression that he was looking forward to questioning his new lead.

"Hello there Lily, may I call you Lily? I'm Comissioner Gordan." I just looked at him while he tried to be friendly. "Would you like for me to get you anything, anything at all."

"Bandages." I replied after a moment, placing my blood-caked hands on the shiny table.

"I would like to remind you of something, Gordan. May I call you Gordan? Good. Let's get the facts straight: I was assulted and the police failed to assist me, only my attacker. I am here because I was a doctor at Arkham and became close to the inmates, which does not mean I can help you. The police failed to help me with my wounds, such is the procedure, so if I was any help and my injuries were worse then I would be dead. Speaking of failures, the Gotham City Police have failed to protect their city, resulting in men and women to dress up and fight crime for you. Now tell me, Gordan, why did you ever think that I would ever help you, when you can't help yourself?"

"Let me ask the questions." He replied, obviously just keeping his cool.

"Why did Melissa Evergreen, say that your name was Rose, and that you killed her sister?" I didn't reply.

"Ok, what is your opinion on the inmates of Arkham Asylum?" I didn't reply.

"When did you first move to Gotham? Where were you born?" I started drumming my fingers.

"How come such a young person became a therapist at the asylum?" Dum dum-dum

"What made you so close to the inmates?" Dada dum

"Is Lily your real name?" Dum dum-dum

"Why did you become a therapist?" Dada

"Where did you go after the escape of the inmates" Dum

"Do you experience trauma? ANSWER ME!!" He yelled, standing up and knocking down his chair. His hands were clenched, obviously he did not expect me to act like this.

I took a deep breath, "She does not understand. Good people on the inside. When I was younger. Here. Fate. Understanding. Yes. It's fun. Home. Yes."

He looked at me for a few moments, lucky for him they record these conversations.

"Well, Gordan, as I am sure you are aware, it is not tolerated to question a person without a lawyer when they demand one, and I demand one. Oh, one's not here, they are all sleeping? Good, i'm leaving."

But of course, with my luck, as soon as I walked out of the door, I fainted. At least something didn't explode, that's happened far too often this year.


I woke up with a drip in my arm. I quickly ripped it off, I hate those things. I looked around the small hospital room, no heart monitor. Thank God! Those things just creep me put, but so do many things in hospitals, they are all too similar.... which brings back memories.

Halloween is in two days, I wonder if Bruce is really going to make me sing, or if I should even go. I bet Dick is going to be there and maybe I can help Alfred make food. I think I should go, Bruce's parties have a history of attracting my misguided friends.

"I must say, it is refreshing to see my favourite little monster again"

I didn't need to look up, but right infront of me, was Rha As Ghul.


Hey guys, I know it's short, i'm sorry. I'm just stalling for the BIG reveal later. What do you think will happen on Halloween? What will happen with Nightwing? Will we EVER know who her dad is?




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