Chapter 27: The Beginning of the End

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I held my breath as best I could.
The sidewalk way swaying beneath me. Where was I going? The air smelled of ash.
A sudden thought occurred to me. Would my pills work with these chemicals in my system?
People around me were screaming.
I covered my mouth when I breathed but the visions didn't go away. I felt amazing. Invincible, even. I could run through that window and be perfectly fine.
No. Don't.
Antedote. I had some in my alley. Get there, get there now.
In the moments it took to get there I saw spiders crawling out of the sewers and out of my fingers. All the while I was laughing.
Sometimes I thought I saw my father running around but he would then disappear into a wall. Brianna was skipping around me in circles, singing while she went.
La la. La la la. La la la la la la.
This drug wasn't so bad. It took all my deepest fears and made them laughable.
When I got home I dug in my drawers and took out the cure.
Oh, god. I left it in a syringe.
The needle grew longer before my eyes. A smaller version of myself lay drowning in the formula.
I couldn't stop laughing, breathing became hard. I started crying. I don't know why.
I don't want to do this.
Anything but the needle.
There were too many needles before. Even after the operation. They had to cut open my skull to get that stupid microchip in. Even then the needles never stopped.
Constant pricks invading my skin.
I guess, I've had so many that I should've stopped being afraid of them, but it never got better.
Now it was time for one more.
I had to look away.
I saw the doctors all walking towards me with needles.
"It going to be alright." They said. But the needles gleamed.
Ow it was sore.
Then it was over and I realized that I was in the floor. I took another pill for nausea when I noticed how many pills were left.
There's no way. I had more time. I had to have more time.
I needed to get to Bane, I had to come clean about everything. Before it was too late. I ran.
People were crowding the streets. Laughing and squealing and screaming. Some buildings were on fire. A man rushed past me and lumped through a window. He was laughing so hard he was crying. Cuts and gashes were sprinkled along his skin.
A woman driving a car, howling in happiness as she tried to ram into everyone that she saw.
I climbed to the roof and wish I hadn't.
Kids were perched on the edge, yelling. "I'll race you there!"
They ran and jumped. I ran and tried to stop them, grabbing one kid by his hood. He started screaming and clawing at my arms.
"Leave me alone. You'll make me lose the race. Let go."
He started swinging himself around and I couldn't hold him any more. I watched as he fell to the ground, whooping as he went.
I cursed.
Why did they have to do this so soon? What exactly was their rush?
I raced across the rooftops and tried to get my bearings, it didn't take long to get to their hideout. I crawled in through a top window and onto the rafters. Unfortunately, I am not Batman and I don't know how to stand on these things.
So I gracefully, nimblely fell to the floor.
Everyone in the room turned and stared at me. So basically all of criminal Gotham turned and stared at me.
I groaned. "Oh my god. How do people do this." I flopped onto my back. "Give me a second, would you?"
Johnny stood up and checked on me.
"Nothing's broken." He muttered and moved away.
I frowned at him. "You sprayed me with fear gas."
"I had good reason."
Nobody moved, I'd thought they'd shoot me or something.
"See, this is what I mean." I sat up. "Ow, frick that's sore. You guys had good intentions, which is what I was saying. And- ah, pain, how is nothing broken- now you're just going and killing everyone. Which is stupid. Yes, don't
frown at me Eddie. And -whoo- it's the wrong thing to do, blah blah blah." I caught my breath somewhat. "Ok, now you can kill me."
Eddie stepped forward. "We're not going to kill you, Lillian."
I moaned at the name. "Don't call me that. And if you weren't going to kill me, why did you release a deadly hallucinogenic into the air with me there?"
Eddie scowled and turned to Bane. My breath caught when I saw him.
"You said she was still at my place."
I felt like I just got slapped.
"I assumed she was."
Then I saw what was in his hand. My marble.
"No. You went back." I said. "And the minute you saw that you knew I wasn't there."
He just stared at me.
"So you want me dead now? Then kill me."
He didn't move. I grabbed my shoe and threw it at him.
"Just fucking kill me. I'm dead anyways. Or are you just too much of a coward to do it yourself."
"You knew of the plan, I thought you left the city."
I shook my head. "But you couldn't be sure. I would've made sure. I would've cared." I glared at my feet, needing to calm down. I was burning through my pills quickly. Too much exertion on the microchip. "I hate you. I don't know what I was doing, trying to help you. You don't care because you don't have a heart. And I thought that... I wish I had never met you."
A moment of silence passed, then Joker cleared his throat.
"Well, this is sufficiently awkward."
I would've thrown my other shoe at him if the door hadn't slammed open. In strolled a man with a machine gun resting casually on his shoulder.
"Rha As Ghul." Eddie murmured.
"You should've aimed higher, Lily." He said. "But I'm giving you one more chance."
He tossed the gun to me. It landed at my feet.
"You kill them. Or I kill you."
He pulled out a smaller gun and a small black box. He opened the box and pressed a button. I feel to the floor, screaming.
When anyone rushed forward to help me, Rha pointed his gun at them.
"It seems the chip still works, lamb. I think it's time to do as I say."
His finger hovered over the button. I wish he didn't use my microchip.
I picked up the gun and clicked off the safety. I looked to Rha. He nodded towards Bane.
"Him first."
I hesitated. Rha pushed the button again and I dropped the fun, clutching my head and shrieking in agony.
Do you want to know what it felt like?
Like someone was hammering a hot nail into my skull and pulling it out again.
Only worse.
Blood dripped from my ears but at the same time I was going numb. I had burned through a pill. I stood up, taking the gun with me.
I turned and pointed it at Bane.
He looked nonchalant but I coud see the fear in his eyes.
Tears streamed down my face.
"You deserve this." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.
The marble glinted in his hand.
I fired.

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