Part 7: This is not too Bad (Tuesday)

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Julianna's POW

I felt as if I hadn't slept at all last night. I just couldn't stop thinking about the previous day and how amazing kissing Adam felt. I still couldn't believe it had really happened. I felt so stupid for wanting to reject him before while all I ever wanted now was to kiss him again and again. 

After I came home in the late afternoon the previous day, I went straight to my room. When I checked my phone, I saw more than thirty phone calls and messages from Gina and Lara. I sent them a short message meant to calm them down, saying: "We made out, we are good now, pls don't worry." I was laughing as I wrote that because I knew I wouldn't be able to escape their interrogation after. 

They came over as soon as they could and took me out for a long walk. I didn't resist them, but they were seriously disappointed when I couldn't offer much more information on what happened. Because what I wrote to them was exactly what had happened, we just made out and hugged for a long time. Oh, and he said he was totally cool with me staying with my pack and that he could come to visit me every day in my pack. That was so cute and so Adam-like. He really didn't care about anything else. He wanted us to be together. Everything else just had to work its way around it. I must say I loved the idea so far. After the kissing session, I finally realized that I didn't want to spend another day without him. How could I think before that I could deny my feelings for him was now beyond me.

When I got to school, Adam and his friends were already waiting at a bench in front of the school gate. As soon as he spotted me, he came over smiling and offered me his hand. I smiled back and took it as we walked inside together. His friends' jaws were dropping to the ground, so I guessed he hadn't told anyone. Actually, everyone from all groups was just staring, since I haven't told anyone except Gina and Lara and later Johny, just because he drove me home from the club the other day. He wasn't happy about Adam and me being mates, but I was sure he wasn't jealous because he had found his mate about a year ago.

Adam walked me to my class, winked at me, and said "Laters!" in his cool and cheeky manner. I couldn't stop grinning stupidly throughout the whole lesson after that.

The third period was PE which was one of the few classes we had together. Coach announced the boys will play rugby, and girls just got to sit on the benches and watch. They made two teams of wolves from each pack playing against each other. The humans were smart enough to sit out on that match as wolves were significantly stronger and could seriously hurt them. I sat with girls from my pack on one side, and the girls from Knight's Blood sat on the other side of the field. We all happily cheered and appreciatively watched the guys play in front of us. 

There was something especially exciting about guys playing rugby. It was somehow exciting to watch them bump into each other aggressively, fighting for the ball. I was supposed to cheer for my team, but Adam was simply amazing. I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He scored again and again for his team until they won by twelve points almost entirely because of him. 

When he made it to his team's bench, guys jumped on him, celebrating the victory. Some girls poured over, trying to congratulate them and get their attention. I thought to myself: "Oh no, here we go again." I really didn't want to get in that jealous mood again, so I turned around and started talking to girls sitting behind me.

As I talked to them, discussing the exciting match we just saw, Gina shook my shoulder, and when I looked at her, I noticed she had a pale expression on her face. "What?" I said even if I was afraid to find out the answer. "He's coming over," was all she managed to say a moment before Adam was standing in all his handsome might in front of me. 

He was still all sweaty, and his hair was completely wet. He was smiling while looking down at me where I was sitting. "Hey! I really need to take a shower, but do you wanna meet me outside the gym after?" I felt as if I was star-struck for a moment. I would have said yes to anything he was going to ask me at that point. If he asked me to run away with him with only the clothes I had on my back right there and then, I would have said yes as well. My facial expression must have looked pretty dumb, but I did my best to play it cool, so I said: "Yeah, sure. Laters!" He grinned at that and said: "Great!" 

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