Part 20: The Meeting (Saturday Evening)

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When we got back to our house, it was almost dark. Our fathers had called us all to the pack-building to hear the resolutions of their meeting. As much as I anticipated the end of the uncertainty I was feeling for the past two weeks, I also feared what was coming. I figured if everything was easy, it wouldn't have taken so long for them to discuss.

I took a deep breath and walked inside beside Adam. Only a few people attended the meeting. Besides our families and us, there were only both Betas and thirds in command present. We all sat down in a large conference room. Our fathers stood on the podium in front facing us. They were planning to do all the talking. We sat on chairs of the auditorium, meant only to listen. I didn't like that at all. It was about me, and I had something to say as well.

As everyone sat down and the door closed, my dad first greeted everyone. Then he started speaking: "I know you have all been waiting to hear from us about the current situation. Christian and I had many things to consider, and today we finally got through the majority of it. I will let Christian begin with the present situation, and I will finish with prospect outcomes."

That was when I cleared my throat and stood up. "Excuse me, may I say something first?" They all glared at me with wide eyes, but no one said anything, so I continued: "Since this is about Adam and me, I would like to be heard as well. We want everyone to know we are mates, and we will not reject each other no matter what. I was trying to fight it at first since our packs are old rivals, but I couldn't do it, and it is pointless if you try to make us." 

As I sat down, Adam surprised me and stood up as well: "I agree with Julianna. We thought about our packs too. We thought it would be better if we each lead our own pack at first, then later, as both our pack members get used to the idea, we may think of merging them together. But we can think about that later, depending on the situation then."

Everyone present was dead quiet for a few moments, then Alpha Christian spoke with a slight smirk forming on his face: "Alright pups, are you done? I'm glad to hear you at least thought about something else but your own butts, but I need you to be quiet and listen for a while now, ok?"

He talked to us like we were five-year-olds, and I was dying of embarrassment under his stern, cold look. I didn't like his tone at all, but for once, I stayed quiet and listened.

He continued: "We all understand what mate bond means, and we aren't going to separate you. We know it would be impossible, and even if we tried, the consequences wouldn't be to no one's advantage. Especially after you have already sealed the deal."

My cheeks turned pinkish-red after hearing his words, and I saw even Adam shifting in his seat and looking away in discomfort. My father was scowling at us, and now I finally understood why he seemed so mad this morning. Somehow everyone knew what we did last night. I suppose enhanced wolf senses can detect even a slight change of smell, so they knew immediately as soon as they came close to either one of us. I was horrified at that thought, so I hid my face in my arms, resting on the desk.

Alpha Christian wasn't finished yet: "As you have guessed correctly, this does concern both packs. You are both future Alphas. Adam will take the title at the end of this school year and Julianna at the end of the next school year. We thought it is best if you both lived somewhere between both territories, so you can both continue your duties as pack leaders. 

Packs may merge when your pups grow up and take over but now is not the time yet. Our packs have been fighting for a long time, and we can't merge them overnight. It will take time for our people to get used to it. Now, what we want to communicate to our pack members is that both packs will have a very strong alliance and can stand up to anyone that tries to attack. Another thing that pack members will be happy to hear is that your pups will have double Alpha blood and, therefore, will be almost at god level. Pack members love to have strong leaders, and they will be proud to be a part of a pack with such strong prospects."

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