Part 31: The Search (Saturday)

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Adam's POV

Today was the second day Julianna went missing, and I think I haven't slept a minute since I found out.

Her dad called me on Friday morning and asked me if I knew where she was. Apparently, the last time someone saw her was that same morning when she went for a run. She ran pretty far and fast, so no one ever even tried to follow her. But when she didn't come back in time to go to school, her parents got worried.

I called our best trackers, and we made our way to Dragon Claw as fast as we could to help with the search. At first, I felt just as it was all a bad dream and we would find her soon. I hoped she was just joking, trying to trick us all, and she would jump out from some bush at any moment. It had even crossed my mind that she was angry with me for trying to bite over her mark again the previous day and that she ran away, but that just wasn't her style. She was definitely not happy about that, but she wouldn't run away like that from her pack or from me.

After following her scent for about two hours, we found a spot with some blood on the forest floor. None of it was hers, but it still made my head spin, and I just couldn't breathe for a moment. That meant there was a fight, and she must be in danger. Trackers estimated that about ten or twenty werewolves had been there.

There were footprints of men and wolves on the floor, and we followed them for a while until we got to a small river. From there, all footprints disappeared. We tried going up and down the river, looking for footprints to continue on either side, but to no avail.

I was mad at the whole world but mostly at myself for letting this happen. I was supposed to protect Julianna and keep her safe, but she was attacked and kidnapped according to all signs. I didn't even want to imagine why anyone would have taken her and what they did to her. So I just shifted to my wolf form while searching and didn't even bother to shift back the whole day. 

Everyone was scared of me as I was completely mad with grief, so they all stayed away from me.

When I tried to concentrate on her, I could usually feel a hint of her emotions, but I got nothing at all this time. It was like a blank wall, and that scared me the most. Was it possible that... she was dead? It just couldn't be true. I honestly didn't know how I could go on without her. She meant everything to me, and I would have done anything for her. No one could ever replace her. But now, she was gone. I just wouldn't accept that, so all I knew was that I had to keep searching.

I thought again about the events from the previous day, and I remembered that bastard Gregory smirking at me and calling me a pup. He wanted her; I just knew it, even if he said he didn't. I suddenly realized it must've been him who took her. She wouldn't go willingly, so he took her. She disappeared only one day after we had met. He would have probably taken her on the same day if she hadn't gone there with me. It all made so much sense now.

I ran home right after thinking of it and took my phone. I was going to kill that dog, but first, I had to tell him to keep his claws off her if he wanted a quick and easy death. I found his phone number in my dad's contacts, just as he had any other Alpha's phone number.

When I called him some girl picked up. I barked at her to get Gregory on the phone, and she did so without saying another word. I yelled at him to let Julianna go and threatened him with anything that was sacred to him. He yelled back that he didn't have her and claimed he knew nothing about it. He told me the girl before was his mate, and he wasn't interested in Julianna anymore. He called me names because I had scared his mate.

After a while longer of mutual shouting, I finally believed him. If he had found his mate, he really wouldn't be interested in Julianna anymore. If anyone knew anything about what mate bond does to wolves, it was me.

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