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octavia jumped onto the couch in the cullen's residence. it seemed like everybody had gone to hunt so it was just the four of them in the home.

rosalie and emmett said they had a few errands to do and that they wouldn't take too long so octavia and jacob decided to wait for them.

jacob sat beside ava, watching videos on his phone. ava stared at him happily and then opened her hair. she let out a sign of relief, that pony tail was tight as hell.

she bent over and began messaging her scalp. jacob smiled at her then put his phone down and helped her. the warmth from his hands kept her calm and relaxed.

when she felt good she sat up straight and he grabbed a comb from her purse. he gently started brushing her hair and then kissed her nose.

"thank you." she whispered, tying her hair into a bun and climbing into his lap. he grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling him onto her chest.

he laughed quietly and she stared at him in confusion, "i guess i really am your night in shining armour." he said, kissing her cheek.

"with you doing my hair like that, you seem like my hairdresser too." she replied, not missing a beat in their banter. they both looked at each other then burst with laughter.

"you're so funny." he managed to say through his loud laughs. octavia kept on giggling and put a hand on his cheek, pulling him. she pulled him in gently and leaned in to kiss him.

when she was close enough, his lips were already ready for a kiss so she teased him by lightly brushing her lips over his. a soft groan left his lips causing her to giggle again and kiss him properly.

the kiss was sweet and long with octavia scratching the back of his neck with her false nails. she giggled and pulled away, automatically hiding her face in his chest.

jacob laughed quietly, tightening his grip around her body, "that was nice, the scratching with your nails."

"hmm, was it?" she said quietly. her hands snaked to his neck again and she lightly scratched it again before giggling loudly.

she was about to lean into another kiss but someone cleared their throat. jacob and octavia sprung away and standing at the door staring were none other than bella and edward.

"can i talk to you?" bella spoke. her voice made octavia's blood bubble. jacob tensed and held octavia's hand. she squeezed it and pulled it onto her lap, "octavia, please."

octavia bit her lip and then got up. jacob got up with her but she squeezed his hand once more, letting him know it was okay. he let go and nodded, whispering that he'd come in a second if she wanted too.

octavia awkwardly walked past edward. he smiled at her and greeted her but she didn't reply. she really did not see edward and her being friends at all any time in the future.

octavia sat on a chair in the cullen's kitchen. she sat far from bella who was sitting a few seats away. octavia looked around awkwardly.

"so," she said after moments of awkward silence.

bella took a deep breath, "i wanted to say i am sorry."


"i am sorry for hurting you and i am sorry for constantly trying to get in between your relationship with jacob. after he imprinted on you i should've stayed away and let you both do your thing but i was committed to being an asshole and i decided against it. so i am sorry."

octavia stared at her.

"seriously. i plan to talk to jacob too and give him a more detailed apology because i hurt him badly but i'm sorry, to you." bella stared right into octavia. it made her uncomfortable and she shifted in her chair, "do you want to be friends? i think, well alice told me, that we would be good friends."

octavia stood up. she felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave. she wished that she didn't tell jacob that she was going to be fine alone because she needed him right now.

"don't go! please." bella sounded desperate, "look i'm sorry okay? i've changed, i promise. i was insane back then and i did not mean to hurt you, so please forgive me."

"i have to go." octavia's eyes filled with confusion, "i forgive you but friends? let me think okay." she rushed to find jacob.

jacob and edward were sitting beside each other, in silence. neither of them had spoken a word since their respective significant other had left the room.

the wolf-boy knew that edward could hear every thought in his head. so he did his best to make him feel horrible for breaking the news that he kissed bella during that eventful fight.

jacob knew deep down it was not totally edward's fault but he was still angry so he cursed him with every word possible.

"oh you need to grow up jacob." edward spat at him. he had enough of all the cursing and the bad words in his mind.

jacob shook with anger, "what are you talking about?"

"you know exactly what i mean!" edward stood up, "you were the one who kissed bella while you played octavia to the fiddle and you have the audacity to even insult me? i did what a man does, you act like a little boy. so grow up!"

"you do not know me at all!" jacob stood up, getting up in edward's face, "don't ever speak on ava, i swear to god i'll kill you! twice to make sure you're dead."

"i can hear every move you plan to make. a fight against me is suicide jacob." edward snarled, "so many things i could do. one being bite that precious little ava of yours and force you to be in love with someone like me."

jacob was practically vibrating at this point. he wanted to kill edward right then and there. he did not care how it happened or the consequences. he must die.

"jacob?" octavia's small voice captivated the room. edward was have shocked to miss her thoughts in the room but by the look of it, she had seen their entire conversation, "take me home." jacob and edward stared at her, "now please." she was angry, but not rude.

jacob immediately moved away from edward. he grabbed his stuff and rushed out the room, standing by the door. octavia grabbed her own, texting emmett and rosalie they had to go home.


"don't jacob."

promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now