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it had been a while since octavia forgave bella and since they had not spoken. jacob was currently at the cullen's. octavia was out with her swim team and he decided to go hang out with emmett. they didn't have plans so he was arriving uninvited but he assumed he was close enough in the family to come uninvited.

"oh hey jake, come on in." jasper opened the door. jacob smiled awkwardly. he did not hate jasper but sometimes it annoyed him that octavia spoke of him so highly.

she loves talking about texas and because jacob can't relate, as he has never visited, she would talk to jasper about it. this annoyed jacob a little but he never said anything.

"what's up jasper?" jacob asked, giving him what octavia would call a man hug.

jasper nodded and closed the door, "doing well, doing well. how's the reservation?"

"everyone's doing great actually, seth told me to tell you guys he'd be visiting soon." he was one of the only members of the pack who were as close to the cullen's as jacob, "he said something about bow and arrows? i don't know i was barely listening."

jasper laughed loudly, his teeth glittering, "we like to pretend that we're robin hood in the forest, shooting at targets. you'll have to join us one day."

"that sounds awesome, one day i'll come with." jacob smiled genuinely.

"jas?" alice's voice rung through the house.

jasper's eyes sparkled, "my missus calls. i'll see you around jake." before jacob could even blink, jasper was gone.

a game controller came flying from his left. he caught it immediately - his reflexes could only challenge peter parker, and swung it around in his hand, "i will end you in this game."

emmett's laugh echoed, "come on wolf boy. show me what you got."


"bella. repeat what you just said." alice came zooming downstairs, rushing through to the living room where carlisle was sitting.

jacob was napping in the living room, the sun from the window on his skin. if octavia was here she would have definitely taken a photo of him.

he was woken up by the sound of alice pacing the room.. within seconds, the whole coven were watching her with wide eyes.

"can vampires go into shock?" bella's voice was trembling from the speaker of the phone.

"is edward okay?" carlisle gestured for alice to put the phone on speaker, and so alice did.

"he is, but i don't know if i am." bella responded after a while.

"i just-" alice started but she stopped.

"bella what is going on?" carlisle said, directly into the phone.

there were moments of silence before bella spoke again, "i think i'm pregnant."

"impossible." carlisle responded. he got up and immediately starting opening and closing books at the speed of light, "when was the first day of your last menstrual cycle?"

"sixteen days before the wedding."

"how are you feeling bella?"

"weird." there were tears streaming down her face. there was a cry from bella. it sounded like she had dropped her phone and was trying to breathe, "carlisle, i swear. something just moved inside of me." there was an eerie silence, "i think edward wants to talk to you."

"put him on," carlisle said in a strained voice.

nobody could hear edward speak. he spoke in quick and quiet sentences.

"listen, bella and edward. get home immediately."

the phone hung up and the room suddenly fell incredibly silent. nobody spoke, nobody moved, jacob did not dare to breathe. the next few moments went by in complete silence.

it was interrupted by jacob's phone ringing.

"sorry, sorry." he apologised quickly and answered his phone, "hello?"

"hey jacob, it's me, ava." the cullen's smiled at her voice, it always had a happy vibe to it. jacob also smiled, his cheeks turning a shade of pink, "i was about to head home but somehow, i don't know how though, i ended up in the mcdonald drive through." she said sheepishly.

jacob laughed, leaning back on the couch comfortably, "somehow..."

"yes somehow, exactly." she giggled, "anyways you want anything?"

"just the usual please." jacob didn't even realise that everyone was staring at him. whenever he spoke to ava, she became his only focus. it was kinda cute.

she hummed in response, "alright, are you at the cullen's?" she asked.

"yeah i am, just about to go home though. do you want me to stay here?"

"nah i was just wondering to where i am going to drive to."

"drive safely." he said. it was raining heavily so he wanted her to be extra careful, "i love you."

"i love you too, bye jacob." she responded and hung up.

jacob stared at his phone lovingly. something he loved about ava was that she always called him whenever they were apart. she always thought of him and it warmed jacob's heart.

carlisle cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention again, "jasper, alice; you both research in the library. emmett and rosalie, use the computers. esme and i will go through my stuff from the volturi."

"what do you think is in her carlisle?" rosalie asked.

"i don't know." he admitted in a sad tone, "but we will. so start researching."

jacob stood up, "carlisle," he said quietly.

carlisle nodded, "she doesn't have to know. you don't need to tell her, and we won't if you don't want us too."

"thanks doc." jacob and carlisle shook hands before jacob got up to leave.


bella grabbed her phone, "rosalie. i need your help."

rosalie did not like bella that much. she thought she had ruined edward's life and, even though she would never admit it, it bothered her that edward never gave her a second glance.

also, she was best friends with ava. she saw how badly ava was after the whole fiasco and due to girl code, she couldn't let herself like bella too much. it would be wrong.

she rolled her eyes and answered, "with?"

"i know you don't like me. i know that and i know that it must be annoying that i've barged into your family and that i've ruined your life and-"

"bella, spit it out."

"he wants to kill the baby. my baby." bella sounded like she was crying, "please help me rosalie, i don't want the baby to die. please."

promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now