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"i swear i heard another crack!" edward shouted for the second time. he had been hearing noises all day coming from god knows where. nobody believed him, they all thought he was going crazy which made him angrier.

"carlisle, tell him to stop." alice, who already had a piercing migraine from bella and her baby, was suffering second worse to bella.

"edward, let's go." carlisle and emmett were planning to pick up edward and physically take him out the room. he struggled and struggled and was almost out the door-

"can i talk to him?" bella asked quietly. everybody heard and so they stood still, "alone." a frown grew on rosalie's face. she did not want anyone to hurt the baby and chances of edward doing something like that was not low.

emmett and carlisle dropped edward. rosalie stood still in front of bella, guarding her from edward. bella cleared her throat and the blonde girl rolled her eyes leaving with the others.

"edward do you love me?"

he hesitated but replied, "of course i do."

"it doesn't feel like you do." she shot back. this shocked edward. he never knew what she was thinking so outbursts were harsh and shocking. "if you loved me you would at least speak to me. you would talk to me and you would be there for me but you haven't! you don't even say goodnight anymore, you just leave and i see that you don't care about me."

"that's not true."

"then what is?" she was yelling now, "if that's not true then what is? what is true edward? do you love me? do you hate me? do you hate my baby? do you hate what you helped create? what do you hate?"

edward stared in silence.

"not once have you asked me if i was okay. not once! it's like you don't care about me anymore edward. as if there is not love for me in your heart, you stare at me like i'm an empty piece of paper. like i am boring."

there was no response.

"right. silence. that's all you ever give me recently. what did i do edward!" she yelled. "what did i ever do to you? i loved you, i still do! i want to be in your arms so badly, i want you with me please edward. we are soulmates remember? we are meant to be together forever. are you listening? please." her voice cracked, "do you hate me?"

he stared through her.

bella blinked back her tears, "okay." she breathed heavily, being in horrible pain. she pulled off her ring and threw it all edward. it bounced off his skin and landed in his palm. edward stared at bella, who stared at him. she walked him walk out the room. she covered her face, hands over mouth to muffle her sobs.

"watch where you're going," jacob almost bumped into edward at the door. edward ignored him so jacob immediately rushed to bella who sobbed in his arms. he rocked her gently, saying nothing. as he comforted her, one by one each of the cullen's walked in, except edward. they sat and spoke among themselves.

"carlisle i have to tell ava." jacob spoke, "i don't feel good lying to her and i think she deserves more."

carlisle smiled sympathetically at jacob. he understood that he needed to tell octavia about the sitation. they both were madly in love so it was understandable that they told each other everything. he did not blame jacob in any way.

"it's honestly okay jacob." esme said, "how is she anyways? i haven't seen her in a few."

jacob smiled, "she's doing good. she misses you guys a lot." subconsciously, jacob ran his fingers through bella's hair. bella smiled, leaning into jacob. he laughed quietly, not moving when she was half on his lap. she rested her head on shoulders, wanting more of his body heat and his comfort.

"i miss us jake." bella whispered. the cullen's had left the room at this point. rosalie was the only one there with jasper, but it didn't seem like either of them were listening. he stared at her, confused. "i think we were good for each other in the past. we just got preoccupied, me with edward and you with ava."

jacob frowned, "what are you saying?"

"that we should try again." bella smiled, "i think we'd be perfect for each other. seriously, like, i think i was so into edward and our little fantasy that i forgot how much i truly liked you," she corrected, "love you."

"what are you saying bella?"

"jake come on! i know you still like me. i see the way you look at me." rosalie and jasper gave each other a weirded out look. they knew bella was only doing this because edward was ignoring her. it was not hard to guess that bella would drop jacob if edward her back.


"what is going on?" ava's voice scared jacob.

"ava." jacob pushed bella off his lap, "it's not what it looks like." he rushed to her. he was about to hold her in his arms and tell her it was a misunderstanding but she put her hand up in front of him. he stopped immediately.

"you lied to me." she frowned, "you said you were here playing games with emmett not holding bella like you love her."

"ava please-"

"stop," her voice trembled, "just leave me alone." octavia's shaking hand reached to her neck. she threw the games she had brought over for jacob and ran out the door.

she threw her car keys on the floor, not wanting to drive. instead she ran, she ran as fast as she could.

promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now