twenty six

436 10 1

"don't even!" octavia was standing at her desk, covering her neck in heaps of foundation. it was just over midnight and the two received a call from emmett and rosalie, calling them over to visit. they accepted of course, getting in the shower almost immediately.

jacob had left marks all over octavia's neck earlier on and she was paying the price. half her foundation bottle was being used to cover them up, the expensive one too!

jacob wasn't that bothered. in fact, his arms were around her waist, pulling her hips onto his in attempt to sleep with her once more before they left. she wasn't having it though, denying every move and advancement he tried on her.

"even what?" he asked, spinning her around. he leaned in to kiss her neck but saw the warning look on her face so he decided against it, "fine fine." he chuckled, instead kissing her forehead, "ready to go mrs black?"


"what did you guys call us over for?" octavia sat on the couch, jacob on her right. she held his hand, squeezing it from time to time; something she did whenever she felt nervous or scared. every time she did, jacob squeezed back or moved closer to her, trying to calm her down.

bella walked in, almost on command. she didn't even look at octavia, smiling happily at jacob instead. octavia stopped herself from frowning and even jacob was confused, "hey, are you okay?" bella asked him.

"yeah i am, i'm not the one carrying a demon." jacob responded as casually as he could, tightly holding ava's hand as he spoke.

"well i asked rosalie to call you guys over, i have something pretty important to share with you two." she said this happily, still staring at jacob. it weirded out octavia a lot now.

"i for one think it's a stupid idea." rosalie said sourly, sitting beside the jacob and octavia.

bella ignored this and octavia was quite shocked. ever since bella fell pregnant, rosalie was by her side; wanting to keep the baby safe so to see them disagree was quite shocking, "do you want to hear them?" jacob nodded even though he really didn't, "well the girl one isn't bad. i was playing around with my mothers name and edward's mom's name and i created renesmee."

ava looked away and jacob struggled to keep eye contact with bella. nobody spoke for a while, "its's weird isn't it?" bella asked, a bit defeated.

"it's not too weird." ava tried to ease the situation although she thought it was a wild fucking idea. renesmee? poor kid. bound to get bullied.

"it fits the current situation. it's beautiful and unique." edward was all smug, happy and deeply in love. to be frank, octavia was glad they were past their problems. she was happy they were happy.

"wait for the next one." rosalie said under her breath, snuggling up to octavia. the human turned and looked at rosalie, a bit confused, surely nothing could be worse than renesmee?

bella hesitated, "for a boy- um, for a boy i was thinking ej." she smiled at jacob, "for edward, the love of my life and jacob, my best friend. ej. the boys name will be ej."

the whole room was stunned, especially jacob. there was no now. no freaking way. was bella on drugs? is she high? drunk? freaking crazy?

his brain stuttered for a moment and his eyes took in more light than he expected, every part of him went on pause while his thoughts caught up. never before had jacob noticed how time is so much like water; that it can pass slowly, freeze or rush in. the clock filled up the silence of the room, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

"you can not be serious." octavia spoke the thoughts of the room, "you're naming the baby after jacob?"

bella looked at her shocked, like she didn't think naming her unborn fucking child after jacob, they guy she dragged around like a piece of old string for years. who am i kidding? it's bella. she doesn't ever think.

"yes. cause it's my best friends name and he's been a huge part of my life so he deserves to be named after my baby." bella was quite angry that octavia was questioning her idea, "you don't get a say on this, i'm not naming the baby after you so why are you mad?" she gritted her teeth, glaring angrily.

it was beginning to become clear that bella was still angry at octavia for being with jacob. the mean looks, the cold shoulders, it was starting to make sense. but why? ava was shocked. she thought bella was past this.

"cause you're overstepping your boundaries!" jacob stood up, "bella you are not my best friend, you used me and you hurt ava for no reason too. you can't name your baby after me, i won't allow it."

bella groaned in pain, holding her stomach. edward zoomed beside her, holding her hand, repeatedly asking if she was okay. she nodded weakly, her face turning pale. edward handed her the styrafoam cup of blood, she took a sip then she looked back at jacob, pleading.

"please jake." she said, "let me do this."

"i can't, i can't watch this." octavia grabbed her stuff, rushing to the door. she felt so disrespected and so embarrassed that this was even being considered that she could no longer stay inside the room. fuck, she needed air.

jacob was right behind her. he knew she must he feeling horrible. the trauma and hurt she went through during that period was horrible and it was being brought up again and again, that wasn't fair for her.

he was about to each for his hand when bella dropped the cup of blood. it splattered all over the floor, making a splashing sound. bella let out an eye piercing scream, her ribs cracked and her knees gave way; she was in labour.

the baby was coming.

promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now