thirty three

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"where is she?" jacob was at the cullen's door with ava's stuff, her laptop, her phone, changes of clothes and his own stuff. he assumed she wouldn't feel comfortable in their home for a while now, wanting to be around the cullen's who had the ability to stay awake all night and be on guard. it was smart really, ava was smart and that is why jacob loves her so much.

esme smiled at jacob, she reached over and pulled him into a tight hug. it always took jacob a lot of strength to not cry whenever esme gave him a hug. she was a prominent mother figure to him even when bella was fooling around with him.

jacob was only 9 years old when his mother died. he has only the faintest memories of her. the things he could remember, he held onto dearly like going to the park with his father and sisters, dancing in the rain on the reservation, picnics in the park. he loved his mother, well, what he could remember of her.

so when he met esme cullen, she became sort of a surrogate mother to him. they never admitted it but she saw him as a son and he saw her as a mother. it was cute.

"thank you." jacob whispered, letting go of their hug.

esme nodded, saying everything she needed to say with a nod, "she's up in the guest room with rosalie i think."

jacob smiled once more, taking their stuff up to the guest room. in there lay octavia on the bed with rosalie on the other side. they were talking about nothing in particular. he stood at the door, taking a breather.

"this is my cue to go." rosalie whispered, winking at ava who giggled quietly and watched her leave, "i'll be back in fifteen minutes to make sure no freaky business is taking place." she mockingly glared at jacob. he laughed nd in her place, he slid in beside ava with his hands holding her face.



they both stared at each other before bursting out into loud giggles. she closed her eyes, laughing her heart out and he held her in his arms, laughing and giggling in her presence.

"we're so silly." he said quietly, kissing her forehead. he rested his forehead against hers. she closed her eyes, loving the feeling of him on her.

"i know. we are crazy."

the silence in the room was comforting and relaxing until jacob sniffed, something he did whenever he was close to tears. ava opened her eyes quickly, "are you okay?" she asked and like a ticking time bomb, he burst into tears.

ava gasped quietly, immediately holding onto jacob in her arms. she rubbed his back softly and rested his head on her chest, "it's okay, it's okay." she repeated, "we're going to be okay."

"i'm sorry." he said through his tears, "i am so sorry ava."

"for what?" she asked.

"for everything." he looked directly at her, "i broke your heart, got you tangled up in this vampire-shit mess, i've put you in danger so many times and for no reason. i am sorry ava, i'm so sorry. i love you so much and i can not explain how sorry i am."

he paused but didn't let her speak, "it's my fault that you've been hurt or in extreme danger for many times. it's my fault so don't try and lie and say it isn't." he wiped his eyes, "he wanted to turn you. he wanted to turn my baby into a vampire so i'd never hold you again. he wanted to- i'm sorry."

"don't be, i'm okay!" she said, "jacob, baby, i'm okay. i'm right here. i'm human, i'm okay." she rambled, grabbing his hand and put it up her shirt, right above her heart, "alive, heart beating, i am human."

he tried to interrupt but she shushed him, "i don't care about the troubles we have been through i really don't, even though that sounds crazy suicidal. i'd go through everything and more a million times just so we can be together. so i can hold you, touch you and love you.

promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now