twenty three

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"i miss you ava." jacob spoke into his phone. the two left forks washington about a week ago, going to a hotel in california for octavia so she could visit stanford. their trip was only planned for two days but they extended it; the perks of being a frequent flyer. so they stayed for a few more days, wanting some alone time.

for the entire course of their relationship, they lived at billy black's house and it wasn't fun. whenever they wanted some alone time, billy invited charlie over for some boys nights, effectively ruining ava and jacob's mood.

and billy wasn't the biggest fan of the two sleeping in the same room. he thought the world of ava and was convinced jacob needed to up his game if he wanted to keep the girl. ava thought this was amusing but jacob wasn't pleased at all.

so for a while now, octavia was bugging jacob to fix up the spare house in the reservation. it was quite a large house, empty and alone. it belonged to one of the elders who eventually moved out to live with their children far out in another state and lived unoccupied since.

jacob always said he'd fix it up but he never got around to it and so it remained lonely and empty and their intimate time together was always interrupted.

"you miss me?" she laughed into the phone, "i'm literally just picking up our thai."

"you're taking so long." jacob had been clingy for a while now. when octavia was visiting stanford, she spent a whole day at the university campus then the next two days at a teaching hospital, shadowing the residents and attendings. since then, jacob couldn't go five minutes without speaking, kissing or speaking to ava. it was killing him. 

"i wouldn't be if you didn't call, now open the door mister."

jacob grinned, hanging up and opening the door. he gave octavia a long kiss before taking the food off her and closing the door. the two sat on the floor and ate to their hearts content.

"i don't ever want to leave." octavia said. they were now in the bathroom, running a bath. this was definitely ava's favourite non-sexual activity that the two did together. it was relaxing and intimate, she loved it.

jacob laughed quietly, his hands reaching to her clothes. he silently undressed her, kissing the back of her neck, "we could ditch everybody and live here forever if you want to."

she smiled softly, turning around and kissing his cheek, "get in the bath loser." she teased. she moved away from jacob and dropped her clothes in a bag. when jacob got into the bath, she pressed play on the laptop set up and sat on his lap.

"i love this." she whispered, grabbing jacob's hands and holding them around her waist. they were watching greys antomy, a show they started during their exams and they could not get enough of.

"and i love you." jacob responded, kissing her neck again. she smiled, the feeling of his lips on her body was enough to make her stomach erupt with butterflies, "but if i ever meet mark sloan, i will leave you for him."

"not if i meet him first!" she giggled, kissing his hands and watching the screen intensely, "i love you jacob, you're my everything."

"i know. i am so happy we're together, and alone too!" he laughed.

"hmmm, we could be alone all the time if you cleaned up that house with me."

"about that."

she turned and faced him, "don't tell me you let paul and rachel take that house. y'know, i told you they were eyeing it-"

"no, no!" he interrupted her, "listen baby,"


he nervously took a breath, "there's a reason why we're here for a few extra days." he reached over and paused the show, causing octavia to look shocked that he was taking this so seriously. she turned again once more, making herself comfortable, "i love you ava. you are my everything, my life, my one true love and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

she looked confused, "what is this about?"

"i got rosalie and emmett and esme to do me a favour. they're currently cleaning up thehouse for us. so we can live there, together."

octavia gasped quietly, "no way? you can not be serious jacob."

"i am serious." he had a wide grin on his face, "they're cleaning it up for us, you know, painting, redoing floors and things like that. then when we go back, we're gonna head to ikea and buy furniture for the house. our house, our home." he smiled at her lovingly, "surprise!"

she had a look of shock and excitement on her face. she opened her mouth to speak, "what-what the fuck?"

"i know, say it. i'm the most perfect person ever." he grinned.

"shut up." she giggled, hands on her cheeks and pulling him close, "i love you so so much." she said, kissing him happily. it was a movie star kiss - the ones you saw on the television. it was the promise of realness, the loving desire that lived in everyone. in their kiss, they shared the sweetness of being happy, loving and more, "you are my everything."

"there's more." he whispered against her lips, "marry me."

"what?" she frowned lightly, "marry you?"

"yes marry me."

"we are nineteen. we can't get married, we're too young."

jaco shook his head, "not officially. let's get married like mentally. i want to be able to call you my wife, my wife." he said, casually so it was clear he had been thinking about this for a while, "we watch greys right? remember how meredith and derek write on their vows on the post-it-note? let's do that."

octavia thought for a few seconds. she closed her eyes and took deep breaths, married mentally at nineteen? wow. of course she loved jacob. she loved him like crazy and she definitely wanted to marry him but him practically proposing to her in the bath was insane.

"of course, we don't have to if you don't want." jacob said nervously. he was anticipating her response and was afraid she'd shut him down and deny his proposal, "i don't want to force you into anything you don't want to-"

"i want to." she interrupted him. he looked shocked when she opened her eyes with an ecstatic grin, "i want to be your wife. marry me jacob."

"marry me." he whispered, hands on her waist and leaning in for an emotional kiss. she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, wanting him as close to her as physically as she could.

his hands on her waist tightened, squeezing all the parts he loved to touch. she pulled away quicky, whispering a quick i love you before leaning in again, stealing the words from his mouth by pressing her lips upon his.


promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now