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jacob and octavia ended spending the whole night at the cullen's. they played games and watched movies practically all night, enjoying the cullen's company.

most of the coven joined them in the living room. esme made the two human's dinner which was a wonderful lasagne. jacob felt like he was on cloud nine.

octavia had a great evening. she spent most of her time reading her books on the couch, minding her business. she had a lot to think about and reading allowed her to escape reality.

"oh hey jasper," octavia looked at him. she sat up properly and gently placed her book mark in her book. she faced him and patted the seat so he could sit.

he smiled at her gratefully and sat beside her. neither of them were super close with each other but they did get a long the few times they spoke together.

"so how's the college thing going? thinking about going back to texas?" jasper asked her. since they were both from the south, most of their conversations were about it.

octavia shrugged. she closed her eyes and leaned on jasper's shoulder. jacob kept his eye on them, watching closely. she sighed, "i don't know. it's too much to think about now."

jasper smiled sympathetically. he wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her back. jacob was still staring but neither of them noticed. he knew they were just friends and octavia honestly just saw him as a cousin, distant brother maybe.

this isn't what he was worried about however.

he knew jasper still struggled being around humans, it was obvious because he'd stop (fake) breathing around ava. this scared jacob but he didn't want to alarm ava so he never told her, instead keeping a watchful eye on the two whenever they interacted.

"still up for our trip back home?" she asked after a few minutes of silence. the two had promised each other to take their significant others back to texas.

he smiled widely, "definitely." he was about to continue but he was interrupted by bella and edward who walked into the room. they both had bright smiles on their faces and their hands were holding each other tightly.

jacob took this moment to pull ava onto his lap. she looked back at him, almost giggling because she thought that he had gotten jealous.

the focus of the room went back to bella and edward, "why do you guys look so happy?" emmett asked curiously.

bella's cheeks turned red. she pulled up her hand and showed the whole room her ring on her finger. gasps shot through the room, everyone was shocked.

it was a beautiful ring. it was long and oval, set with slanting rows of glittering round stones. the band was gold—delicate and narrow. the gold made a fragile web around the diamonds.

"we eloped!" edward had a wide smile on his face. everyone's jaw dropped in utter disbelief.

carlisle stood up, rushing to edward, "you eloped?" the newly-wed couple nodded, "congratulations!" he hugged them both tightly, giving edward two hugs.

all carlisle and esme really wanted for edward for him to be happy. he was the most rebellious out of their fostered children so seeing him happy and in love was definitely something that pleased them.

edward and bella shared happy hugs with everyone, excluding octavia who still did not feel comfortable physically touching either of them.

jacob, who seemed really happy for them, glady hugged them. octavia could not help but stare at him when he hugged bella, it seemed to go on for ages.

alice caught octavia's eye and smiled fondly. she wrapped an arm around the human's waist and whispered, "they don't like each other like that anymore."

"i know." octavia responded, "it's still weird though, isn't it?" she sighed sadly. alice nodded, squeezing ava's waist before letting go and leaving with jasper.

ava sat back down, yawning. she rubbed her eyes and closed them, smiling when she felt jacob's presence beside her.


"kinda." she answered. he picked her up gently, saying his goodbyes to everyone before leaving. he helped her with her helmet and helped her on the bike before driving home, taking the short way home.

when they both had gotten ready for bed, octavia turned over to jacob, "do you want to get married?" she asked randomly.

his cheeks turned pink, "now?" of course he wanted to marry her, but wasn't it too early to be married?

"of course not now!" she exclaimed, "no, definitely not now. i meant like in the future."

jacob stared up at the ceiling. there was a while before his response, "in the future i would love to marry you." she blushed, "the day i get to call you my wife, oh i can't wait."

"what about children?" she asked.

jacob sbrugged, "children is up to you, your body so it's your choice."

she smiled lovingly, "okay, but do you want children?" don't get her wrong, she was happy that he was allowing her to choose whether they had children or not but she still wanted to take his hopes into consideration.

again, he took his time thinking about this. octavia took this moment to admire his face. she stared at his eyebrows and how they were tensed slightly. she leaned forehead and kissed the space between his eyebrows and he relaxed immediately.

"i would like two children." she listened to him with a grin on her face, "one girl and one boy. i hope the boy is younger because if he's anything like me, he needs an older sibling to guide him." he paused to look at ava.


"madison, for the girl." he looked around then looked back at ava, "and the boy will be called ethan."

"madison black and ethan black." she hummed in response to him.

"what about octavia black?" jacob flirted. even though the two had been together for almost a year, whenever jacob flirted with octavia her heart thumped loud.



thanks sm for 69k on nicknames hahahahahaha

promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now