twenty nine

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octavia and jacob spent their day together productively, waking up at the ass crack of dawn to make the finish the final pieces to their new home. first, they went to the grocery store and bought things for the home, like groveries. hair products, everything and anything they needed was bought.

when they got home, they stocked up the fridge. they did their hardest to make it look pretty and neat, copying videos they saw online to the best of their ability and to be honest, it didn't look that bad.

"the outside of the fridge looks empty though, right?" jacob asked. octavia agreed, immediately grabbing their photo album. she picked out a couple of polaroids and pictures before using the magnets they bought to stick them on the fridge.

the first photo was one of them with rosalie and emmett, the day ava met them for the first time officially. the next was the photobooth strip from their date on the wedding day. the rest were family photos of people on the reservation, the culllens - excluding bella and edward, and octavia's family back in texas.

"looking better already." jacob smiled, kissing her cheek.

they then got started on fully decorated their home. jacob installed a shoe rack by the front door and octavia installed a small shelf with hooks for their keys. when that was over and done with, they hung minimalistic photos around the house, singing along horribly to the music playing from the speakers.

when the inside of their home looked spectacular, they started with their closets. the closet space in their room was bigger than anybody else on the reservation and octavia was so happy cause of it.

putting their clothes away was definitely the worst thing they had to do. it was so long and so tiring. octavia was shocked at how much clothes she owned, creating a pile of clothes to give away.

jacob finished before her and so he decided to finally go and pick up the rings he created. he placed the order the night they arrived at forks and they were ready, but he never found the right time to get it.

when he arrived back it was around 4pm. he hid the rings inside his closet, not wanting ava to see it yet. he smiled at their vows above their bed before making his way down to the kitchen, arms wrapped around ava's waist as she stood by the stove.

"hi my beautiful." jacob hummed, kissing her neck.

"hi my husband." she was making jacob's favourite, pasta, with the sauce he loved. he cheekily took the spoon out of his mouth, tasting the sauce and whining when it burnt his mouth, "1st, it's not ready." octavia giggled, turning around and kissing jacob's cheek softly, "and 2nd, it's too hot silly."

"i know that now." he laughed, holding her hand and spinning her around elegantly. dancing around to music was his favourite thing to do with her. it felt so intimate and loving so he did this whenever he had the chance, "did you finish your side of the closet?"

she groaned, throwing her head back, "i can't! every time i put away one piece of clothing, another appears. it's impo- what are you doing?" she started to giggle.

jacob was busy leaving kisses all over her neck, moving up and down in attempts to cover her whole neck. meanwhile, she was busy giggling and trying to pull away but he wasn't letting her as his hands were tight on her waist, closing the space between his hips and hers.

"the food is gonna burn." she whispered, running her hands through his hair, "i don't want the first cooked meal to be burnt and nasty."

"forget the food," jacob started leaving kisses on her jaw, "let's christen every room in this house. starting with the kitchen."

octavia started to laugh now, she gently pulled herself away from jacob and shook her head no, "you're like a giddy teenager. now is not the time my boo." she winked and turned around, focusing back on the food, "i love you."

"i love you too." he smiled, starting to set the table, "want me to get started on the salad?"

"ooh, yes please. i forgot about that." she smiled back at him, "not too much. it's only us eating."

promises, jacob black. (sequel to nicknames)Where stories live. Discover now