Miracle 1

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~ Miracle 1 ~


   I threw open the door and pushed my bags into Ronnie’s arms.  “We need to leave,” I said.  I closed my eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and continued, “Now.  Right now.”

   We rushed out to the car where I climbed into the passenger’s seat and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket.  I dialed the number to the airport.  “Hello,” I said. “I need two tickets as soon as possible.”

   “Where will you be going?” the woman asked. 

   “Italy,” I said. “Please, it’s an emergency.”

   I heard her typing into the computer as Ronnie pulled out of the driveway and pressed down on the gas pedal.  “Alright,” she said. “You’ve two tickets booked for 2 p.m.  Flight 217.”

   “Thank you so much.”

   I hung up the phone and looked at Ronnie.  He had his eyes locked on the road.  I sighed as I said quietly, “I’m sorry…”

   “Why?” he asked. “It’s not your fault.”

   I slammed my fist on the dashboard as I cried, “I just want it to be over.  I don’t want to be running from Cameron forever, and chasing after Dylan for the rest of my life.  I don’t want to do it, Ronnie, I can’t.”

   Ronnie looked over at me and said, “Hey.”  He reached over and took my hand, giving it a light squeeze.  “Hey, we’ll find a way,” he said, nodding. “I promise.”

   I pursed my lips together and shook my head.  “It’s never going to end, is it?  If I hadn’t dialed his damn number in the first place, none of this ever would’ve happened.  None of it.”

   “You’re right,” Ronnie told me. “You would still be putting up with Hannah, you never would’ve moved in with Holly or welcomed Genesis into the family, you never would’ve met Dylan, and you never would’ve ended up here with me.”

   “I didn’t mean –”

   He cut me off.  “Is that what you want?” he asked.  I shook my head. 

   “No,” I told him. “You’re right.  I’m sorry.”

   Ronnie looked to me and said, “You don’t have to apologize, Emily.  It’s not your fault.”

   My eyes trailed to Ronnie, who was staring at the road.  My lips formed a slight smile as I thought of all the times that Cameron had told me to think about what I’d done when it had never been my doing in the first place. 

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