Miracle 17

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~ Miracle 17 ~


"I'm not going to trade you, Emily."

I looked at Dylan and shook my head. "I'm sorry," I told him. "I have a lot of trouble believing that."

Dylan was shocked that I'd even made the assumption that he'd willingly give me up for another human being in which he cared about so much more than me.

"I say we don't go," he said. I shook my head quickly.

"Are you serious?" I demanded. "Cameron will slaughter her! If we don't go, she'll die, Dylan. It's me, or her. I'm sorry to say."

Dylan stood up and said, "I told you, I've made the choice. We're not going."

He opened the door and started to walk away. I stood up and quickly rushed after him.

"What the hell, Dylan? You're just going to leave her to die like that?" I snapped. He stopped for one moment to face me.

"And you'd rather take her place?" he cried.

It was no surprise that I nodded.

"I have nothing left," I said quietly. "Ronnie's gone. Why should I ever believe that there's anything left for me here? To be completely honest, the only reason I was ever still here in the first place was for love."

Dylan didn't say anything. Instead, he just walked away. This time, I didn't follow him.

I'd done it before. I could do it again. I didn't follow.


Late that night, I'd made up my mind.

I had written the coordinates from Dylan's phone and stuffed them in my pocket. At sunset, I snuck out the door.

I drove pretty quickly to the location. It was far out in the fields on the outskirts of Italy. Cameron was waiting impatiently with a girl crouched to the ground.

She was just like Dylan had described to me.

When she caught sight of me, she began to cry and scream. She began to fight with everything she had until Cameron shoved a gun into her head.

"Alright," I cried, approaching them. "I'm here, Cameron. Let her go now. Please."

Cameron looked me over and said, "Where's lover boy?"

I shook my head. "He didn't come," I told him.

Cameron laughed suddenly. "What? You decided to turn yourself in for the sake of your friend?"

I nodded.

Without hesitation, I ran to the girl and started to untie her.

"Kelcie?" I said quietly. She nodded frantically. I smiled to her.

"I'm Emily," I told her. "I'm here to set you free. You'll see Dylan soon, I promise."

Once I had her arms untied, I began working on her ankles.

"He wanted me to tell you he loves you," I said. "Make sure you let him know."

She nodded to me. Finally, I pulled the rag from her mouth. She fell into my arms and sobbed with everything she had left. The poor thing was terrified...

"Enough!" Cameron barked. "Girl! You're free to go."

Kelcie looked up at me and whispered, "Thank you, Emily. I'll bring help."

I smiled to her and watched as she ran from the grounds and got into my rental car. In a few moments, she was gone.

Cameron smiled to me.

"So," he said. "Still feeling brave?"

I nodded to him.

"Always," I said.

He turned away from me and I felt hands grab my shoulders from behind. My eyes widened as I saw Cameron standing off in the distance. I took a deep breath as I turned around...

... And found myself face to face with Ronnie. He had fire in his eyes as his gaze locked on mine.

"Ronnie," I choked. "You're alive."

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