Miracle 18

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~ Miracle 18 ~


   When I took Noah to Emily’s room at sunset, ready to discuss what we were going to do, I found the room empty. 

   They didn’t leave me behind, did they?

   I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Dylan’s number. 

   “Hello?” he said on the fourth ring. 

   “Hey,” I said. “It’s Hannah.  Is Emily with you, by chance?  She’s not in her room, and –”

   He cut me off.  “What?” he screamed.

   “Uh, is she supposed to be –?”

   “I’ll be over soon,” Dylan said quickly. “We need to hurry.”

   And with that, he hung up.


   When I opened the door, Dylan dragged me from the room with Noah’s carrier on my arm.  I looked to him as we rushed to the car and drove as fast as we could down the road. 

   “What’s going on?” I said, since no one had bothered to tell me.

   “Emily turned herself in,” he said. “I told her I wasn’t going to make the trade, but she did anyway.  She’s gone, and it’s all my fault…”

   I shook my head. 

   “Dylan, please don’t think that it’s your fault.  She was always so reckless,” I said, smiling slightly. 

   Dylan kept his eyes on the road.  When we were halfway to the location that Cameron had sent him, my eyes trailed to a girl with bouncy blonde hair running down the side of the street.  And that’s when Dylan slammed the brakes. 

   “Kelcie?” he cried, rolling the window down. “Kelcie!”

   She caught sight of us and ran toward the car.  Dylan reached out and grabbed her face, kissing her gently.  Pressing his forehead to hers, he whispered, “Oh my God, you’re alive.”

   She nodded.  “I’m here.  And I love you.”

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