Miracle 10

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~ Miracle 10 ~


   I had finished the book before I went to bed that night.  I found everything about it so interesting.  That night, I dreamt that I was Alice.

   “But Cheshire-Cat, whatever shall I do?  I have seemed to have lost my way,” I said, staring up at the cat sitting on the branch in front of me.  He was blue with yellow stripes and a long, thin tail.  But his smile was wide. 

   “Well, you can go this way,” he said, pointing his tail to the sign directing east toward a bright kingdom filled with beautiful trees and roses.  The Queen’s castle. 

   “Or, you could go that-a-way,” he continued, flipping his tail to a dark forest westward, with strange noises and forbidden paths. 

   I observed each choice, trying to decide to the best of my ability.  “But the queen is mad,” I exclaimed. “She must be horrible to girls like me.”

   The cat smiled.  “Sometimes, it is not the brightest places that are the most promising,” he said.  Suddenly, I could hear a voice calling for me.  I voice I had come to know all too well.  Greyson’s.

   He was speaking through the cat.  “Sometimes, it is the darkest places that will lead us to our greatest escape.  Be brave, Phoebe, be brave.”

   “My name isn’t Phoebe!” I cried. “Greyson, please!  It’s –”


   I woke up gasping for breath to see a nurse standing beside of my bed, adjusting my I.V.  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Did I wake you?” 

   I shook my head and closed my eyes. 

   My name isn’t Phoebe, it’s Hannah.  It’s Hannah.   




   Almost three weeks had since passed in the hospital.  I had received great treatment from the doctors in the hospital, and they informed me toward the end of April that I’d be able to be discharged in a few days’ time.

   Greyson came that day, just like always.  I couldn’t help but feel that he felt responsible for me, seeing as he’d brought me here.  Seeing as he’d been the only one to care at all.

   He had Noah’s carrier in his hand and he smiled to me. 

   “Noah!” I said happily.  I smiled to Greyson and said, “Thank you so much.”

   He nodded.  “So,” he said, sitting down beside of me. “I heard that you’re being discharged in a few days.  Your forehead’s healed up nicely.  The doctor’s had informed me that your ribs are just about healed, and that you can continue the rest at home.”

   I smiled and nodded to him.  That’s when I said, “Greyson?”

   “Yeah?” he asked. 

   “I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done for me.  You’ve just been helping a complete stranger, and it must be really hard for you,” I told him.

   He shook his head. 

   “Oh, don’t worry about any of that, Phoebe.  You’re in no way a complete stranger.  I’ve learned a lot about you.  You’ve become a good friend.”

   “But you’ve only known me for a month.”

   “It doesn’t matter how much time has passed.  Time doesn’t matter.  I know you, Phoebe.  You’re a lot more like me than you think.”

   He hung his head and said quietly, “That’s why I’ve tried to stay by you, I guess.”

   I smiled slightly as I whispered, “Thank you.”

   He scooped Noah out of the carrier and placed him in my arms.  I gazed down at him and said, “Hi, baby.  It’s okay.  We get to go home soon.”

   Greyson’s phone rang and he went out in the hall to take the call. 

   Noah’s smile lit up my world, and he reached up his arms to me.  I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the sight of him.  “Don’t worry,” I whispered. “We won’t have to worry about Cameron anymore, will we baby?  I’m going to find you a real home, somewhere that we can both be happy.  Somewhere we won’t have to worry anymore.”

   I reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek as I said, “It’s okay.  I’ve got you, and I’m never going to let you go again.”   

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