Miracle 12

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~ Miracle 12 ~


   That morning, to my surprise, I got a call from Emily.

   “Hello?” I said, a bit confused that she was even willing to speak to me. 

   “Hannah, where are you?” she asked frantically.  I looked around and said, “Um, the hospital.  Why?  Did something happen?”

   “I need you to pack up your stuff as soon as you’re discharged.  I’ll have you explain later.  I’m relocating you,” she told me.

   “But why would you do something like that for me?” I said quietly. 

   It took a moment for her to respond, but when she did, it was as if I felt the pain for her.  “I’ve been under Cameron’s captivity.  He kept me locked in an abandoned hotel for a month, and he… he killed Ronnie.”

   She got really quiet, and then she said, “Screw the past.  I’m not having anything else happen to the ones I love.  You’re coming with me.  You’ll be safe.”

   I wiped the tears from my cheeks as I whispered, “Emily, I don’t know what to say.”

   “It’s okay,” she said. “I’m sorry, Hannah.  I’ll see you soon.”

   She hung up and I was left alone in the room. 

   That was the first time I had heard Emily sound as if she loved me again.  For the first time in way too long, I felt as if I had my best friend back.


   Four days later, I was discharged from the hospital.  Greyson had picked me up and offered to drive me back to the hospital.  I gladly accepted. 

   “Thank you so much, again,” I told him.  He smiled to me and helped me with the seatbelt. 

   “It’s no problem at all.  Glad to help, Phoebe.”

   I turned slightly to check that Noah was all fastened in the back and safe.  Once everything was secure, Greyson put the car in drive, and we were off. 

   I took in my surroundings and took mental note of the spring unfolding before me.  I smiled to the bright blue sky and thought, Take it in, Hannah.  You may never get a moment like this again.

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