Miracle 6

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~ Miracle 6 ~


   Cameron grabbed the phone from my hand and pushed me off of the bed.  I screamed out in pain as my head hit the bedside table, and crawled back to the corner of the room.  With tears streaming down my face, I begged him, “Please, please don’t hurt me.”

   He stood staring at the screen as his eyes widened.  “You weren’t talking to her, were you?  What the hell, Hannah?  I thought you were on my side,” he screamed.  I nodded to him.  “I am,” I said. “Please.  I am.”

   “Then what did you have to say to her?” he demanded. 

   “Nothing,” I cried. “I just wanted to taunt her, that’s all.  Please, Cameron, don’t hurt me…”

   He ran over to me and kicked me in the stomach.  I fell over to the floor and coughed, gasping for air.  I stared up at him, my eyes wide. 

   He kicked me over and over again, until finally I closed my eyes, and the pain stopped. 



   I heard Noah crying.  Yes, I’m not dreaming.

   When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a pool of blood by my head.  When I sat up, I felt a throbbing pain on my forehead and touched the area.  Blood poured down my fingers when I pulled them away, and I found tears streaming down my face without even thinking about it. 

   Cameron was gone.  He had my phone with him as a punishment, but thankfully, he left Noah in his carrier on the floor.  Noah was screaming when I crawled over to him.  Slowly, I rocked him back and forth and said, “I’m sorry.  I never should’ve let him take you.  I tried, baby.  Mommy tried.”

   He stared up at me with his bright blue, watery eyes and stopped crying.  He kept his eyes locked on me and I smiled slightly.  At least he was okay. 

   Suddenly, I turned and hurled onto the floor beside of me, and gasped at the blood coming out instead of vomit.  That’s when I reached for the hotel phone.  I fished out Greyson’s number from my pocket and dialed it quickly. 

   After three rings, he picked up and said, “Hello?”

   “Greyson,” I breathed. “It’s Phoebe.  I need your help.  Please, I’m incredibly sick and I think something’s wrong with me, but I don’t know how to call an ambulance here…”

   I crawled to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet and started sobbing.  “Please,” I cried. “I’m so scared.”

   “Oh my God, Phoebe,” he gasped. “Um… hold on.  I’ll be at the hotel soon.  I’ll call the ambulance and help you.  Just hold on.”

   “Thank you,” I said.  

   “Can you hold for just a moment?” he asked.  I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me.  “Okay,” he continued. “Give me one moment.”

   The line went quiet for almost five minutes, then I heard Greyson’s voice again.  “I’m here,” he said. “Are you alright?”

   “Yes,” I said. 

   “I won’t let you be alone.  I’m on the road now.  Just talk to me.  Try to stay awake, okay?” 

   “Okay,” I told him. 

   “Tell me what happened,” he said.

   I thought for a moment and thought to myself, You can’t tell him about Cameron, Hannah.  You just can’t. 

   “I fell,” I said. “I fell face down on the floor after tripping and hit my head and my abdomen.  I’ve been throwing up blood for almost five minutes, and Noah’s crying in the other room.  I’m scared.  I don’t know what’s going to happen to me.  I can’t be sick, Greyson.  I can’t stay in the hospital.”

   “It’s going to be okay, Phoebe. I promise,” he assured me. 

   I smiled slightly, until suddenly, the room began to spin around me.  I tried to breathe, but I couldn’t.  That’s when I felt the sharp pain shoot through my stomach and I collapsed to the floor. 

   “Phoebe?” Greyson said. 

   The phone fell beside of my head and my world began to go into a blur. 

   “Phoebe?” he said. “Stay with me.  Come on!”

   I took one last breath as my world went black.  The last thing I heard was Greyson crying out for me to hold on and Noah crying in the background. 


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