Miracle 20

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~ Miracle 20 ~


   Within a day, Ronnie and I had packed everything and were sitting in the airport ready to head home.  We were taking Noah with us, something that I never thought I’d do.

   I was looking through Hannah’s phone, something that the police had given me as her best friends.  I was scrolling through all of the pictures of us, laughing and enjoying our lives.

   Her camera roll was also filled with Noah and how much he’s grown in the past few months since he’s been born.

   Suddenly, she was getting an incoming call.

   The name said, Greyson.

   I answered it and said, “Hello?”

   “Hannah?” Greyson said. 

   “Um, no,” I told him. “It’s Emily.  We met at the hotel.”

   “Oh, hey, Emily.  Is it okay if I talk to Hannah?”

   I was silent as my eyes trailed to the floor.  I couldn’t find the courage to tell him anything.  They had so much hope.  He’d given her so much hope…

   “She’s not here,” I whispered, my eyes filling up with tears.

   “Did something happen?” Greyson asked frantically. 

   I nodded slowly, even though he couldn’t see me.

   “She’s passed away,” I said, biting down on my lip.  I heard Greyson gasp on the other line.  Then it all went silent.

   “I’m sorry,” I whispered. 

   “No,” he said. “It’s not your fault.  Thank you, Emily.”

   “Are you okay?”

   “Don’t worry about me.  I will be.”

   I couldn’t think of anything else to say.  Finally, he said, “Hey, I think I’m going to go.”

   “Okay,” I said. “I’m sorry, Greyson.  I know you loved her.”

   “Really?” he asked. “It was that obvious?”

   I smiled slightly and said, “No.  I just knew.”

   After we hung up, Ronnie asked me who had called Hannah.  I told him all about Greyson and how Hannah had met him in the airport.  I told him how he’d taken her to the hospital and stayed with her through everything. 

   I told him how Hannah was okay, and she was truly free in the end.

   Because she got to fall in love for real this time.

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