Miracle 4

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~ Miracle 4 ~


   When I got to the hotel, I was assisted with my bags up to the room where I found Cameron waiting for me. 

   “What took you so long?” he said, inspecting his nails.  I sat Noah’s carrier down on the floor and said, “You were the one that left me in the airport to find my own way through Italy.”

   He looked up to me and his eye twitched just slightly.  “What did you just say to me?” he hissed, rising from his seat.  I backed away as I said, “No, Cameron, please stay back.  I’m sorry.”

   He stopped in his tracks and I breathed a sigh of relief.  That’s when he walked toward Noah’s carrier.  I gasped and ran to him, but it was too late.  He pulled Noah out of the carrier and held him close to his chest.  Noah woke up and started screaming. 

   “No,” I cried, tears brimming in my eyes. “Don’t hurt him.”

   Cameron shook his head. 

   “I wouldn’t get to close if I were you,” he warned. “He’s not my only kid, mind you.”

   I held my hand over my mouth with tears streaming down my face. 

   “No, Cameron, please don’t hurt my baby…”

   My eyes widened when I’d realized what I’d said.  Cameron began laughing as he said, “You’re baby?  Aren’t you forgetting that it takes two –?”

   I cut him off and said, “I’m sorry.  Please, just give him back.”

   Cameron laid Noah down into the carrier and covered him with a blanket.  He picked up the carrier and said, “Move.”

   “What are you going to –”

   “Move!” he screamed. 

   I stepped out from in front of the door and said, “Cameron…”

   “Relax,” he said calmly. “Every mother needs time alone from their babies.  You’re no different.  I’ll just… take him off you your hands for a little while.  Maybe it will do you good.”

   I shook my head as I screamed for him to come back with our baby, but it was too late.  He was gone, and slammed the door shut behind him.


   While Cameron was gone, I pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly dialed the only number I knew by heart – Emily’s.

   It rang four times before it went to voicemail. 

   “Hey, this is Emily.  Please leave a message.”

   I tried to hold in the tears so that she’d be able to hear me. 

   “Emily,” I said quietly. “I made a mistake.  I never should’ve let Cameron out of prison.  I should’ve just run with you, and I’m so sorry.  He’s…”

   I stopped and took a deep breath.  “He’s got Noah,” I said. “I just want my baby back, Emily.  And I want my best friend back.”

   My eyes trailed to the floor as I whispered, “Call me back.”

   I hung up the phone and laid down across the bed.  Maybe sleeping would help me get my mind off of things.  I tried counting miracles.  Yes, that was my only chance. 

   Emily, my first breakup with Cameron, Noah, the peace that I’ll get soon…

   “What’s your name?”

   I looked up at him and smiled.  Brushing my blonde hair behind my ear, I said, “Hannah.  And you are?”

   “Sean,” he said.  He gazed at me and added, “You’ve got the most beautiful eyes.”

   “Thanks,” I said.  I turned to see my reflection in the window of the store.  My cheeks were bright red, and my smile was from ear to ear. 

   “Could I offer to buy you a coffee, Hannah?” he asked.  My eyes shot up to him as I shook my head.  “I’m sorry,” I told him. “But I’m engaged.”

   He laughed.  “No, not like that.  Just as friends.”

   “Oh,” I said. “Well, in that case, okay.”

   “Believe me,” he said. “You can tell your fiancé that I won’t treat you wrong…”


   My eyes fluttered open to see that I was still in the hotel room.  I looked at the clock.  5:18 p.m.  It had been three hours, and Cameron still hadn’t brought Noah back. 

   I sat up and thought, what kind of dream was that?

   And then it hit me.  Not a dream, but a memory.  It was the first time we’d met.  I was so young, so innocent.  I didn’t know the first thing about being hurt, because my fiancé had always treated me well.  Sean told me he’d treat me well.

   Damn, he had me fooled.   


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