Miracle 5

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~ Miracle 5 ~


   I woke up to a new voicemail on my phone.  Ronnie was still sleeping in the other bed across the room, and I was careful not to wake him up. 

   When I saw the number, my heart nearly stopped.  But still, I put the phone to my ear and listened to what she had to say. 

   I just want my best friend back.

   I was speechless at what she’d said.  That’s when I heard Ronnie moaning across the room.  He turned over to face me and said, “Emily?  What are you doing up?”

   I got out of bed and sat down next to him.  “You need to hear this,” I said. 

   I played the voicemail, and watched Ronnie’s face go from shocked to puzzled.  He handed me my phone back and said, “Why would she ever send a voicemail like that?”

   I shrugged and replied, “She said he had Noah…”

   Ronnie didn’t say anything, but I continued, “Do you think I should call back?  I mean, at first, I thought it was a trick.  That maybe Cameron was forcing her to say it.  To lure us into a trap.  But she sounds scared.”

   My eyes trailed to the floor as I said quietly, “I know what she sounds like when she’s scared.”

   Ronnie looked up at me and said, “I think you should call.”

   I gazed at him for a moment and then nodded.  I walked out onto the balcony, just in time for sunrise.  I dialed Hannah’s number and waited…

   “Hello?” she said.

   “Hannah, it’s me,” I said quietly. “It’s Emily.”

   I heard her gasp as she said, “Oh my God, Emily.  I’m… I’m so sorry.”

   I could hear her crying through the speaker and took a deep breath.  “Why now?” I said. “You got what you wanted.  You and Cameron are free.”

   “No, Emily,” she pleaded. “You’ve got to help me.  Please.  He has my baby…”

   “What do you expect me to do?” I demanded. “It’s your problem, not mine.”

   She was silent for a few moments, and then she said, “I just thought maybe you’d follow.”

   I stared out into the distance and nodded to myself.  She did know me all too well.  She knew I’d be here in Italy right after they were.  She knew I was coming for them.

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