Miracle 2

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~ Miracle 2 ~


   I was seated in the back of plane next to Cameron, staring out the window and trying not to make any sudden movements.  I had Noah in my arms.  His eyes were closed and his chest was rising and falling steadily and peacefully. 

   If I weren’t in a situation like this, I would’ve been thankful for what I have.

   “What are you staring at?” Cameron asked, stirring me from my thoughts.  I looked up to him and shook my head. 

   “Nothing,” I said quietly. “Just daydreaming, I guess.”

   “Might I remind you that we’re here to act natural?  I don’t need you screwing it up by… thinking.

   I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. 

   “For what it’s worth,” he continued. “I’m sorry that it had to happen this way.  I didn’t mean for it to end like this.”

   My eyes shot up to him and I shook my head. 

   “No,” I cried. “You’re not sorry!  You took everything from me, Cameron.  I’m sorry for having to say it, but I don’t think you mean what you’re saying.”

   For one moment, he raised a hand to me and I closed my eyes in fear, but nothing happened.  I opened my eyes to see him lowering his arm.  He sighed and said, “Go to sleep.”

   “But I’m not tired,” I said.

   “Sleep!” he barked. 

   I sat back in my seat and held Noah close to me.  Closing my eyes, I wondered if he’d ever change.  No.  I’d bet anything against everything.




   When I opened my eyes, everyone was lined up to exit the plane.  Cameron was nowhere to be found.  I looked down to see Noah staring up at me, his eyes wide and brimming with tears.  I picked up the carrier from the floor and placed him gently inside. 

   I got our carry-ons from the overhead and threw them over my shoulder.  With Noah and the rest of our luggage, I got off the plane. 

   When I first looked up at the bright blue sky, I nodded to myself and smiled.  It was truly beautiful.  The airport was filled with people, and I found my way to baggage where I picked up the rest of the luggage and tried to fit as much as I could on each arm. 

   “Miss, would you like some help?”

   I looked up to see a boy about my age smiling at me.  He had light brown hair and bright green eyes.  His smile was bright and, for some odd reason, put me at ease. 

   “Um, sure,” I said.  He took a few of the bags from my arms and placed them over his shoulder.  That’s when he caught sight of Noah.

   “What a beautiful baby boy,” he said. “Is he yours?”

   I nodded slowly.  The boy smiled and said, “You’re very lucky to have such a good baby.  What’s his name?”

   “Noah,” I said quietly. 

   “Ah, I see,” the boy said. “Meaning ‘peace.’”

   “Yes,” I said, a bit shocked that he knew.  The boy held out his hand.  I took it and shook it lightly.  “I’m Greyson,” he said. “And you are?”

   “I’m Ha –”

   I caught myself and said, “I’m Phoebe.”

   “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he said, smiling to me. “We’d better get you to where you’re going.”

   “Yes,” I said.  I pulled my phone from my pocket and found a new text from Cameron. 

   Opera Relais de Charme.  Room 115.

   “I’ll be going to the Opera Relais de Charme,” I said.  Greyson nodded and led the way.  When we stepped outside, Greyson called a taxi for me.  I reached down and pulled some money out of my purse. 

   “Oh, no,” he said. “I cannot.  The trip will be on me.”

   I smiled to him.  “Really?” I asked. 

   “Absolutely,” he said.  He opened the door for me and loaded my luggage into the trunk.  He muttered directions to the driver in Italian. 

   “Oh,” he said suddenly. “I almost forgot.”

   He pulled a notepad from his pocket as well as a pen and scribbled something down.  He tore off the paper and handed it to me. 

   “If you need anything at all, miss, do not hesitate to call.  I’ll be at the University of Verona,” he said.  I nodded to him and he winked to me. 

   Closing the door behind him, I watched as he walked away.

   I looked down at the paper in my hand. 

   Greyson Simoni

   +39 057 347 017

   I smiled down to what he’d written.  And for a moment, just a moment, I forgot why we were here, and the horrible things that we were here to do. 

   For a moment, I was just Hannah again. 

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