Miracle 16

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~ Miracle 16 ~


I got a text from Greyson that day when Emily was in her room with Dylan sorting out what to do about the ransom.

Meet me for lunch? Verona's - 1 p.m.

I smiled and saw Emily looking over to me. "What?" she asked. I shook my head and said, "Greyson just texted me. He wants me to meet him for lunch. But I think I'll stay here with you."

"Oh, nonsense!" she cried. "Go. I insist!"

I laughed and said, "Whatever you say, Queen Emily."

I saw her smile as she said she'll take care of Noah. I was excited that I got the opportunity to reply, Absolutely.

In about fifteen minutes, I was on my way. He was just where he said he'd be, and was sitting at a booth near the window.

When I walked through the door, he smiled.

"Hannah," he said. "Glad you came."

He stood to help me into the booth as I said, "I'm glad too, Greyson."

Just as we took a seat, a waiter came over to get our drinks.

"Oh, just a water for me," I said. I was waiting for Greyson to step in and change my order for his liking, but to my surprise, nothing happened.

Once the waiter left, I turned to Greyson as he folded his hands across the table.

"How have you been adjusting to your new housing?" he asked. I nodded to him as I replied, "It's amazing. Emily's amazing to be doing it for me."

"That's so great," Greyson said. "I was worried about you for so long. I'm glad you're adjusting to your liking."

We laughed and talked for a long time about anything and everything. I told him about how I loved to read as a child, but how Sean had never let me read after we'd met. He said that knowledge was for the weak.

"What book have you always wanted to read?" Greyson asked.

"Well, it's not so much a book, I guess," I told him. "But I've always wanted a collection of fairytales. Most of them I learned as a kid, but I would just like to have them for myself and for Noah. A book with a happy ending every single time..."

Greyson nodded to me.

"Have you ever had a happy ending, Greyson?" I asked.

Slowly, he shook his head.

"Not yet," he told me. "But don't worry, I aspire to someday. That is my dream, you know. So many people want to be the best, like actors or doctors or authors. But not me. I want to find my happy ending."

He looked to me and said, "What about you? What do you aspire to be?"

I hesitated for a moment, and then I said, "A good wife. A good mother."

"Really?" Greyson asked, sounding intrigued by the response.

"I don't want Noah to end up like Sean. Never in a million years will I let him treat girls the way that Sean did. Noah will have so much self-worth and confidence in himself and for others that he never will. As for me, well, I just want to find someone who will accept me."

Greyson didn't say anything. Just as he began to say something, our food was brought to the table, and he gave up on the thought.

Once we were done, Greyson offered to drive me back to the hotel.

I gladly accepted and he drove me back. We didn't say much, but when we pulled into the parking lot, Greyson turned to me and said, "Hannah, I have a very important question."

I titled my head as I chuckled and said, "What is it?"

"Is it crazy to say I love you?" he asked. My eyes widened. I was speechless as he stared at me. But then, the craziest thing happened. I felt myself shaking my head.

"I love you too..." I whispered.

Then he leaned in and kissed me.

As many times as I had kissed boys, this was by far the most perfect. He was gentle and held me as if I was a fragile piece of glass ready to burst. No. He's holding me together.

He whispered in between the kisses, "Hannah, will you be my happy ending?"

I pulled away from him suddenly and said, "Are you asking me to marry you?"

He laughed and shook his head.

"No," he said. "Just my girlfriend. I don't want to rush you. This will be on your terms. Whatever you want, you'll get. We'll go slow. Okay?"

I almost had tears in my eyes.

I nodded to him as I kissed him and whispered, "Yes. Yes..."

After I got out of the car and walked to the hotel room, I walked into my room and slid to my knees in against the door.

Of all the times I'd told Cameron I loved him compared to this, there is a tremendous difference. For Cameron, it was not real.

For Greyson, it is.


I heard a knock on my door that night and stepped out of the bathroom to see who it is. When I opened the door, there was nobody there. That's when I looked down to see it.

In beautiful red lettering was scrawled, Collection of Fairytales.

I picked up the black book and held it in my hands. I stood in the doorway, flipping through the pages at all the classic fairytales. Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella...

Suddenly a piece of paper fell from the back cover.


I hope you enjoy each and every one. I hope to see you soon for dinner again.

Love, Greyson

I looked behind where the not had laid and there, written in deep black ink, were four simple words.

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