Miracle 19

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~ Miracle 19 ~


   “Hannah,” I cried. 

   Her body was lying limp and lifeless in front of me.  I ran to her and took her in my arms, rocking back and forth gently. 

   “Oh my God,” I whispered, biting down on my lip. “I’m sorry.  I love you.  Come back.  I’m sorry…”

   But she did not come back.  My best friend was never coming back.  I had lost both of them in one day.  I looked up at Cameron and screamed, “How could you?  You killed my best friend…”

   Cameron stared with his eyes fixed on Hannah.  His face was expressionless as if he’d just processed what he’d done. 

   Slowly, he raised the gun to his forehead and whispered, “I’m sorry…”

   And he pulled the trigger.


   They say that when you die, everything flashes before your eyes.  But I don’t think that’s true.  At least you don’t have to be the one to do it. 

   I remembered everything.  From the moment I met her when we were six years old, to us sitting under the tree in my grandma’s yard, talking about anything and everything.

   We dealt with fights and friends and breakups under that tree. 

   It was cut down the day after she died, almost as if the world knew.  They knew that she was gone and she was never coming back.  I heard her voice everywhere I went. 

   “Emily, please braid my hair, you’re the best!”

   “Oh my gosh, Emily, he’s the cutest!  I can’t wait for you to meet him…”

   “Emily… I don’t know how I’ll ever live without him.  He broke my heart.”

   “I want to be okay.  For you, Emily.”

   “I’ll never leave you, Emily.  I love you.  You’re my best friend. Forever?”

   It was too much for me to handle. 

   I thought that the belief that Ronnie had been killed was terrible and that I’d never survive that.  But I guess I did.  But this…

   Sure, relationships are important, but friendships are forever.  Even until the day we die.  And even then.

   It hurt with Ronnie, but it hurt so much worse now.




   I felt Ronnie grab my hand as he whispered, “Emily, I called the cops.  They’re coming to get them.”

   I sat there with Hannah in my lap, listening to Noah in the background crying. 

   I gasped and looked up at Ronnie.

   “Noah!” I said.

   Noah won’t have his mother.  He’ll have to go to an orphanage.  I don’t know if I can see that happen to another one…

   Ronnie walked over to comfort Noah, and I sat there, waiting for the police to get to the scene. 

   Within the next hour, I was sitting on the tracks with a blanket around my shoulders and my head on Ronnie’s chest. 

   I watched them carry all three of them away from us. 

   “It’s over now, Emily,” Ronnie whispered, kissing my forehead.

   I buried my face in his chest and sobbed, “But why did he have to take both of them from me now?”

   I looked down at Noah smiling at me and reaching out his arms.  I nodded to him.

   “You’ll be okay, baby,” I promised him.

   But I wasn’t sure if I could at that point.

   Finally, one of the police came up to us and said, “We’ll be glad to give you a ride back.”

   Ronnie smiled and accepted the offer.  Slowly, I stood up and grabbed Noah’s carrier. 

   I took one last look behind me and walked with Ronnie to the police car. 

   You’re safe now Hannah.

   Your chains are gone.

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