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~ After ~

   And everything was okay in the end.  After many papers, and several trips to the foster home, Ronnie and I got to bring Noah home to my new apartment right in my hometown. 

   Ronnie and I chose to go to the same community college locally and try to plan our future, all while living for the now.  On my nineteenth birthday, I finally chose what I wanted to major in for my future career.

   Child psychology. 

   I wanted to help kids of all ages deal with the things that Hannah and I had both gone through in our lives, and I wanted them to know that there was a new beginning after the supposed “end.”

   I was just getting ready to light the cake with my whole family when I heard the knock on the door. 

   To my surprise, it was Mrs. Magil.

   “Hello, Emily,” she said, smiling faintly. 

   “Hey, Mrs. M.  Is there anything I can help you with?” I said. 

   She nodded as she pulled an envelope from her bag and held it out to me. 

   “I found this for you,” she said. “It was Hannah’s, but it had your name on it.  So I wanted to return it to you, since it is rightfully yours.”

   I stared down at the envelope, and sure enough, written in long curvy letters, was Emily.

   “Thank you,” I said.  She nodded to me and began to walk away.

   “Hey, Mrs. M!” I called. 

   She turned around as I smiled and said, “Why don’t you come on in.  I know this is a family celebration, but you’re family.”

   Her face lit up as I said it.  I led her inside and everyone welcomed her warmly.

   It was that day that I knew that she had lost her only daughter a month back.

   It was my duty now to let her know that she would never be alone.



      So, I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I just needed to write this out, I guess.  I never plan to give it to you, but it’s just a way for me to get this out.

      You’ve always been my best friend.  And you will never know just how sorry I am that I dragged you into this mess in the first place.  I should’ve known, who can warn Emily Faith Ashton?  You’re so brave, much braver than I could ever be.

      I’ve made some huge mistakes, but not anymore.  It’s my time to step out.

      I want to be like you, Emily.  I want to be smart and kind and beautiful.  I want a happy ending for once.  I hope someday I get one.

      So I’m going to try to fight Cameron.  I’m going to try to escape his chains and break free from his captivity.  I want to live and I want to be free.  Perhaps someday we’ll speak again, but I just wanted you to know one thing.

      I’ve never been good at writing letters, but this is my tribute to you.

      There’s something about friendship, and though some may say otherwise, I believe it is so much more important than love.  A love of a friend is eternal. 

       So that’s why I just wanted you to know that now, I’m going to live for the now.  Who cares about tomorrow when today is all ours to make mistakes and be free and be teenagers?

      I’ll always love you, Emily.  Until the day I die. 

      And even then.

Love always,


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