Chapter 7: There is no place like home

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A/N: Drug use in this chapter... just a warning :)

The minute I walked through my front door my mother was on me. Still in the worst mood ever I have to to remind myself that she is not the one I am angry at.

"What was the phone call I received today from Tony Stark's assistant? She told me you were moving out and going to live with him? I understand you are an adult but shouldn't this be something we discuss?"

"Mom please, I have had a long day. I don't want to talk about it."

I begin to walk away when she grabs my wrist to stop me from walking past her. Still in attack mode I grab her wrist and turn it behind her back and growl in her ear. It was like a reflex.

"Odette Parker! You unhand me this instant!"

"Giant! What are you doing to Aunt May?"

Snapping back into reality I let my mother go. Tears begin to form in my eyes. Mom grabs me and pulls me into a hug. The flood gates opened. I ugly cry into her shoulder, I'm talking snot leaking from my nose, giant puffy eyes, that kind of ugly cry.

"Mom, I am so sorry. I didn't even mean to do that. I have no idea where that came from."

Mom pulls me away from her and grabs my face. There is so much love in her eyes it makes me cry harder. Peter wiggles his way under her arm and hugs me around the middle. I do not deserve this family. I think about all the things I've kept from my mom. She has no idea who I really am. Fuck, now I have no idea who I really am.

"I just came to pack a bag to last me until the weekend."

"Why didn't you tell me you were interviewing with Tony Stark?"

I cant tell her what I just learned. Not yet, hell maybe not ever. She may love me no matter what but she does not need my bullshit added to her plate. I am an adult, I need to deal with this on my own.

"I didn't interview with him mom. I guess when he ate at The Diner yesterday I made a good impression. He researched me and found out I graduated at 16. I guess my test scores impressed him. He came into The Diner today and offered me a job, an apartment in his building, I was overwhelmed. I told him I would love to. I didn't think he would over step and let you know before I could. But that's Tony Stark for you right?"

"Does that mean I get to meet him? What exactly are you going to be doing with him? Can I sleep over with you on weekends?" 

Peter starts slinging questions at me while moms thoughts ring out loud and clear.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye to my baby. It's only been 8 years, that is not enough time. She is mine. I don't like this."

"Peter, calm down. I'm sure we will meet Mr. Stark eventually. Right now we need to let her be. Are you hungry Little One? I made lasagna for dinner, well I cooked lasagna for dinner, Stoffers made it."

"No thank you mom. I ate earlier"

LIE LIE LIE!!! I am starving actually, but I need to be alone. I release myself from my family and start walking towards my room. I look back and my mom is gripping Peter in a bear hug. I walk into my room and throw myself onto my bed. I scream into my pillow before rolling over and looking around. This is my safe space. I read my quotes and smile. Memories flooding back from when they were selected, painted, and presented to my mother. I look down at the stain in the carpet next to my bed, the dent in the wall, the stickers on my bedroom window. I grew up in this room, and now I have to leave it.

I knew I would move out eventually but I didn't think it would be this soon. I stand up and walk into my closet pulling out my luggage. I start to throw my favorite clothes into the bags. My work out gear, my lounge gear, my party gear, my sleeping gear, my shopping gear. I walk over to my vanity and pack up all my make up and hair products and place them into one of the bags. I walk over to my shelving units and grab a couple books I haven't read yet and pack those up. I unhook my speaker and pause, how on earth and I going to move all of this stuff to Stark Tower? At that moment there is a knock on my door.

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