Chapter 30: Movie and a surprise

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I am in the kitchen putting together some sandwiches while Bucky sits at the dining room table. He looks extremely uncomfortable. I drop my shield and a world full of self hate smacks me in the face. He hates everything about himself right now. I pull my shield back up and shake off the remnants of what I felt.

Dets: "So, I hope that turkey and cheese is OK. I haven't gone shopping in a while. I don't eat a lot by myself."

Bucky: "It's perfect."

I walk out and put the plates down with 2 cokes and a bag of chips.

Dets: "I have to special order my soda and snacks."

Bucky: "I haven't had a coke in forever."

Dets: "Well enjoy it then."

I smile at him while I asses him. He is calculated, rigid, and scared. He is constantly searching, his eyes never stop moving.

Dets: "You expecting trouble?"

Bucky's eyes find mine and search my face.

Bucky: "a ty govorish' po russki?" (Do you speak Russian?)

It took everything in me not to respond in Russian, fucking Hydra and their training. I cock my head to the side and stare at him.

Dets: "That doesn't sound Romanian at all. What language was that?"

Bucky: "Doesn't matter."

Dets: "So you wanna tell me why you have your head on a swivel there?"

Bucky: "Habit."

Dets: "You a soldier?"

Bucky: "I was."

Dets: "I have a friend who was in the Army back home. He was a big deal."

Bucky: "Cool."

Dets: "You don't talk much do you?"

Bucky: "Haven't had much time to socialize."

Dets: "Understandable."

Bucky: "So, your ex. How long were you guys together?"

Dets: "About two years I guess."

Bucky: "Has he hit you before?"

Dets: "Once, that's why I left. He punched me when I told him I wanted to leave. I wasn't happy anymore. He was always busy with work. He thought his money could keep me."

Bucky: "What does he do?"

Dets: "Honestly, I have no idea. He always just said it was business. Looking back it was probably illegal. Shit what if he was part of the mafia or something?"

Bucky: "That seems unlikely with the gun he was carrying"

Dets: "Well whatever he does, I am just glad to be away from him."

Bucky: "What will you do if he comes back?"

Dets: "Pray you're there to save me?"

Bucky: "We should get you some protection, move you, something."

Dets: "Honestly, I am not too worried. I have a feeling he is long gone, and won't be coming back."

Bucky: "What makes you so sure?"

Dets: "Well, not to sound rude, but you're like really intense looking. Intimidating. You're like my very own scary body guard. Not that I expect you to be my body guard but you know what I mean. He saw you protect me, maybe he figured you were a friend. I would stay away if I saw someone like you around me, ya know?"

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