Chapter 26: Back to Reality

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That night I think I slept all of four hours. Either Loki or I would wake the other after a rest period. It was almost like we were making up for lost time and saying goodbye all in one.

Waking up the next morning was hell. I am so tired, and so deliciously sore. I wake before Justina arrives. When she walks in she looks at me and cocks an eyebrow.

Justina: "Your mystery person was here last night."

Dets: "What??"

Justina grabs my wrist and pulls me into the bathroom. There are marks everywhere. I smile and cast my illusion to hide my scars and apparently all of the love marks left over by Loki. So much easier than make up.

Justina gets a bath drawn for me. She washes my hair as she relays the conversation she had with her husband. They are both so excited to be parents. I dress quietly. I I strap my saya to my back and place each dagger in a thigh holder. I grab a bag and my purse. Justina grabs a bag and the other serving girls grab the remainder. We make the long trek out to the bi-frost. Faux Odin is there with some of the royal court. The new keeper Skurge waits while everyone not helping me with my bags says goodbye.

Faux Odin, Justina, and I stand in the bi-frost line. We are all holding onto my bags. I giggle at the site, I mean can you imagine Odin helping anyone with their bags?

Faux Odin: "We shall land, I will escort and ensure the Princess' safety. You will bring Justina back when she calls you. I will call for you when I am ready to return."

Skurge: "Yes All-father."

With that the bi-frost is opened. We are transported to a parking structure on the outskirts of London. Faux Odin and I step out of the circle and grab the rest of my luggage before Justina runs out and huge me tight.

Justina: "I will miss you Princess."

Dets: "I will see you again Justina. Of that I am certain. Plus I have to meet my niece or nephew don't I?"

She hugs me again and steps back into the circle. She is transported back to Asgard. Faux Odin and I shift into disguises and start the trek towards civilization. We probably look fucking ridiculous but such is life. We reach a town of sorts that has a CVS on the corner. I walk in and grab a disposable phone and Plan B. The Pharmacist looks at me and then to Loki, then down to a pack of condoms.

Dets: "Judge any harder and I'll report you. Can you just cash me out please?" I grabbed a pack of condoms. That earns me an eye brow raise. Just in case I guess.

Pharmacist: "Americans."

Loki: "Beg your pardon?"

His natural accent blows the pharmacists mind for a second. I giggle as we walk out the store.

Dets: "I think you just broke her brain Mischief."

Loki: "She was rude. You are a Goddess."

Dets: "Down here sweets, I am American. It's all good."

Loki: "And what will this pill that you bought do?"

Dets: "Force me to abort if I conceived. I'll be feeling like shit for about 36 hours or so. Lets get somewhere I can look up rent-able flats."

By some miracle the place I stayed at before was still operational. We take a cab over and I rent the place out for two weeks. We head up to the flat and drop everything. I almost called out for Justina to get us help. What the fuck? When did I become so spoiled? Adjustment period begins now.

We shift into ourselves and sit on the couch. I pull out my now ancient laptop and plug my phone in. The burner is for calls, the other phone has a VPN for internet searches, but its mostly for music. I wonder what new music has come out since I've been gone.

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