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June 30, 2020.

Steam rising up from the heated pan, the sound of the sizzling was from the pancake dough cooking. The pancake smell filled the clear air, only a perfect scent.

George came walking over to the stove, humming along as he came along. Snatching a spatula from off the side and sliding it smoothly under the cake, flipping it once and throwing it on a plate with other two pancakes.

He drizzled chocolate syrup on the pancakes and tossed some cut up strawberries on the dish as well.

The brunette boy smiled, he went over to the sink and quickly washed his hands, ruffling with his hair a little right after.

He was filled with excitement as he knew what day it was, it was very a special day indeed. His heart felt like a flame as it was racing from his happiness, his body couldn't stop bouncing up and down as thoughts scrolled through his mind.

It's been keeping George nervous all week and it's been on his mind ever since two months ago from the day he planned it out. And now, the day was finally here, he was happy and really energetic today. He couldn't wait to wake up his lover. Oh my god, it was just giving George all sorts of emotions.

The boy grabbed the plate of food with a fork as well, he instantly started to walk with a fast pace, he bit his lip with a smile that was still extending. He opened a room door, slowly, trying to not make it creek. George slowly did a sneaky and quiet walk into the room without trying to make a little peep. He stopped as he saw his lover on the bed, peacefully sleeping, which was Dream.

Gentle light from the morning sun shined through the bedroom's window and hit the bed that Dream was on like a shimmer. It lighten up a part of Dream's face from the shade of the window's blinds, dust particles from the sun was floating in the thin sunlight's air.

One of Dream's cheeks was stuffed into a soft pillow, the comforter and sheets pulled over his body, he had soft snores come out form him as he slept like a quiet angel, he was having the most perfect nap ever.

George was almost to scared to just wake him up.

George giggled just low, he slowly made his way over to Dream's side of the bed, setting the glass plate down on a stand next to the bed, then his eyes shifted over to Dream's pretty face.

George approached closer to his lover, he smiled even more as he kept gazing a the dirty blonde's face who had closed eyes. The brunet softly placed a hand on his face, kneeling down, he lowered his head and made his lips to Dream's ear. Whispering, "Clay... baby wake up~" Speaking in a quiet tone.

Dream shifted his position a little, humming as that slightly awoken him. "Clay, darling, come on—wake up." George whines, with his lips bending down, he pouted and kissed Dream on the lips softly. He gently tapped the blonde boy to make him awake.

"Mmh... I don't want too." Dream practically bragged with his tired voice that was pretty deep and low, he moved his body and made his whole face stuff into the white pillow, making his stomach pressed into the mattress.

George groaned a bit with his frown growing into a bigger one, he shook Dream's body lightly. "Clay, come on. Get up, sleepyhead, it's eight thirty and you're still sleeping!" He kept adding, he only got silence from the other and his restless body just laid still.

George pressed his lips, his brows furrowed as he was getting quite impatient. "Clay—please?" He asks, frowning.

Dream groans, only laying still as he didn't bother to get up. Knowing it was super early in the morning — 8:25 AM — and he didn't want to move.

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