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Dream curled himself up, getting down on the floor to try and pick the pieces up. He sobbed quietly to himself, "I-i'm sorry, George... I'm so sorry." He could barley breath, it hurt so much to see his most precious guitar broken.

He left it to collect dust for a couple months, but he still deeply cared about it. Now it was broken right before him. It was the last thing he wanted to get destroyed, it meant so much to him and now it was torn.

It was the only thing that kept him to feel safe.

Dream tried to catch his breath, his blurry eyes on the smashed instrument in front of him, tears crumbled down his already soaked cheeks. He was just sobbing, not knowing what to do.

Georeg ran up the front steps of the house, about to put his hand on the knob, but his eyes traveled over to the window, the lights in Dream's room were still on. George had a questioning face, it was already late. What was Dream doing up?

George bit his lip and made his way over to the window quietly, he peeked his eyes through the glass to find Dream, crying on the floor.

George's brows slanted, "Dream..?" He whispered to himself, the blonde looked up to his ceiling with wet eyes.

Dream put his hands on his head, gripping onto his hair and letting the rest of his anxious tears slip out his eyes. He sobbed, choking, "What am I doing wrong..?" He whined, closing his eyes.

George's eyes casted down to the broken guitar, pieces all over the floor. His eyes grew wide, his had had a puzzled expression plastered onto his face. What the fuck happened? So far, the only thing George was worried about was Dream being upset.

He needed to know.

Dream was shivering, trying to hold himself to together on how much of a fool he felt like at the moment. He couldn't stand this night, everything went wrong and now he was in this exhausting mess. He let himself cry more, to the point where he couldn't cry any longer from how much tears he lost.

George's eyes gleaned at the blonde who was in tragedy. The brit stepped away from the window, and he rushed back to the car.

"AND I WAS LIKE BABY, BABY, BABY—OOH!" Quackity jammed inside the vehicle, the music blasting loud as he sang the lyrics.

George opened the door as Quackity looked at the brunet with embarrassment, George just stared back at the raven confused from the loud turned up music.

The brunette jumped in and slammed the door shut, turning the volume of the radio down. "Did you really have to put the sound to max?" George complained.

"I apologize," Quackity laughed awkwardly.

George rolled his eyes, laying back in his seat as did nothing else but sit there. "We need to talk Sapnap."

"For why?" Quackity let his brow raise.

"Because, Clay was crying and I need to know the reason why." George pulled the transmission lever back and started to reverse the car out of its parking place.


The next morning, Sapnap was at his home making a cup of coffee for the early day. He poured the dark liquid into a mug, humming as he made his way over to the living-room. "You doing anything today, babe?" He asked, kissing Karl on the head as he passed him.

Karl smiled as he was going through his phone, "I was probably going to go to the store. We're running low on food." He told.

Sapnap scoffed, taking a seat at the dining table. "You sure? There's a murderer on the loose, you know?" He reminded.

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