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George paced back and fourth through the lobby room, hands on his head as he couldn't even calm down about this situation. He thought about Dream, knowing he might lose him. George couldn't break a promise, especially not this one.

George was breaking down to the floor and Karl looked over, he rushed to George and brought him into a hug. The brit soaked the other brunette's shirt, shaking so timidly.

George cracked out a sob, "W-what if I lose him, Karl?" He asked the other, "I don't want to lose him again.." He buried his head into the other's neck.

Karl sighed, closing his eyes tightly as he tried to comfort George. He could just feel the other's body that was trembling from worrying about what was going to happen to the blonde.

George heard footsteps make their way over, he looked up and saw a doctor standing upon them. The doctor checked his clipboard, "George Davidson?" He called his name.

George stood up, sniffing. The doctor's eyes were narrowed to him. "This is about Clay Woods," The doctor stated. The others stood up, ready to hear the doctor's news.

"P-please tell me he made it," George put his hands over his mouth, he had the most bothering destructive feelings that he didn't. George was about to burst, he couldn't this.

The doctor smiled, "He's in room 176."


The sound of beeping first started as he slowly faded in, his eyes opening so slowly. Dream moved his fingers, finding himself on a hospital bed. He felt fine, he didn't have that ache anymore but he felt tired.

His ears ringed from a light T.V sound, someone speaking and the words just transferred through his ears. "Our Flordia killer has been caught, Fundy Damien—who was apparently missing for a few days, has been confirmed dead from self defense. Clay Woods, the murderer's fiancé, was one of his victims and unfortunately shot, he survived but now he is recovering in the hospital."

Dream groaned soft, he turned his head to see George sleeping. The blonde's eyes squinted, the brunette was on a chair while his head rested on the edge of the bed Dream was on. George looked so tired, what time was it?

Dream caught the time that appeared on a clock, 12:32 AM, midnight. Dream slowly made his eyes face George again, he lifted his hand slowly and gently placed it on George's soft hair, stroking it.

George grunted, the feeling waking him up, his eyes raised towards Dream, finding the boy looking at him with open eyes. George's head shot up, his eyes lit up with his face growing a smile. "Dream!" He giggled, his hands cupping the other's cheeks. George let out such a relieving laugh, he seemed so happy that Dream was awake.

"How are you f-feeling? Are you feeling okay?" George made sure, and he was granted a tiny nod. George's smile grew even bigger, Dream's hand strolled to George's cheek as well, rubbing it so softly that the brunet had a tear leave his eye from the bliss he was feeling.

George pressed his nose on Dream's, he gave him a little peck of a kiss on the other's nose. "I'm going to go tell the doctor you're awake. I'll be right back, okay?" He asserted and Dream understood, he saw George rush out the room.

Dream slowly tried to get up, sitting up on the bed as he waited for George to get back. A few seconds later, George came running back in with a bottle of water. "H-here, I got you some water, baby-" He babbled, taking the cap off and letting Dream drink some of it.

"Do you n-need anything el-" George seemed like he was panicking, Dream just laid his head on the other's chest. The brit paused, sniffing and wrapping his arms around the boy. "I almost lost you..." He sobbed.

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