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Dream easily woke up by someone tapping him, which practically angered his perfect nap. He groaned, shifting his body to lay on his side. "What time is it..?" He only muttered softly, peeping an eye open to see Fundy beside his bed.

"It's time for you to awake," Fundy giggled out, proceeding to give a kiss on the dirty blonde's head. But Dream refused to budge. Fundy nuzzled his head to Dream's soft neck, "It's 9am, wake up." The ginger enlightened the worn out boy.

"It's only a Monday.." Dream made a whiny fuss, giving his lover a pout. Fundy scoffed and helped his partner get out of bed by pulling him up, the blonde stayed in Fundy's arms, who granted him a tendering kiss. Dream smiled, "I love you.."

Fundy demonstrated a passionate smile back, "I love you too," He set his hands on Dream's waist.

Dream put his hands around the ginger's neck, lifting his head up and the two couple attached their lips together. Dream pulled away, "I love you more," Dream processed a light laugh out.

Fundy had a lopsided smirk, "Wanna go get breakfast? Fiveup invited me to breakfast at the diner near Walmart—wanna join?" He suggested, taking on Dream's hands and holding it softly as the lovers had eyes on one another.

Dream bent his lips and only casted his eyes away. Of course, he didn't want to decline the well pleased offer. But, his mind had no impulse for food at all, his stomach felt pain, but he couldn't. He shook his head with small timid, "I'm not hungry.."

Fundy gained a downcast frown, "Awe- Really? Are you sure?" He asked again, getting a nod from the other boy. Fundy sighed, "Okay then... I guess i'll just get ready and meet Fiveup there." He commented finally. He delivered Dream one last kiss on the forehead and exited the blonde boy's room.

Dream groaned, he sat back on the bed with a weird maddening gut that surely bothered him. He wanted to go out to restaurants and chat with his friends, enjoy a succulent meal for once like the others. But, over the past months he hasn't been eaten much—it was just a diet at first, but... he couldn't stop starving himself. He tried, dearly, but it ended up for him to consume it all out instead. He thought something was wrong with him, like he had an illness—or maybe, he was just abysmally insecure about his own body. His negative mind guided him only, necessary for his body to look perfect.

Dream's eyes turned over to his tall mirror that stood up, only glaring disgustingly at himself, he sniffed and just looked away, providing a tightening and horrible strain. Why am I even doing to myself? He sat back on his bed, just overthinking of how he looked so overly gross. Was he really overweight? He just wanted to look elegant like those other boys, who were just good-looking models, everything about them were just flawlessly ideal, but now—it just caused a problem for him to eat.

Dream exhaled a little sniff, calming himself with maturing breaths. He wished for himself to stop, but his mind just had a second thought he didn't dominance over. It hurt to starve for a weeks, feel his belly crave with pain as no food was left in it, but it also hurt to not look like perfection. It's like everyone around him already looked perfect by not even doing anything... it terminated his confidence. Why was he never just perfect? He tried so hard to even have the right personality, looks, and creativity. Instead, he always had that thought, which damaged him into luring himself more to be a perfect divine boy, that he was never going to be enough even if he tried.

The blonde boy let his eyes shut, he lowered his head and stifled a sob. He didn't understand what he was doing to himself, his brain told him he needed to repeat drying up his stomach and leave it empty. Why was his own mind against him? He's always felt like this ever since day one, just so much tolerance and destruction just because he thought he was a waste of air. Dream cried quietly, taking a pillow and forcing it in his face, only telling him to shut up inside his head, provoking him to not be so emotional like someone would care.

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