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Dream was sitting on the bed, not knowing what to do to expect pet Patches who rested beside him on the bed. He looked over to the door, which was locked.

Dream sighed. He felt so joyful to be with George again, but what about Fundy and Fiveup? He couldn't let them just sit in that room, while George tortures him. Beside, weren't Fundy and Dream still together? They never officially broke up.

Dream pressed his lips with small timid, then he heard the door unlock, seeing George enter the room with blood on his hands. The blonde had a nervous expression which engulfed his face after noticing that.

George made his way over to the bathroom while seeing Dream awake, "Baby, what are you still doing up? It's almost midnight, you should be resting." He questioned while washing his hands.

"I was waiting for you..." Dream replied with.

George giggled and turned the water off, stumbling over to Dream. He got down in front of the other and brought Dream into a soft kiss, "Hey- Is this my hoodie..?" He pointed out, and got a scoff from the other in return.

"Maybe," Dream murmured.

Dream and George kissed passionately again, and the brit got a little turned on. George got up to get onto Dream, pushing the other to the bed. George's hand stroked the boy's hair, his hand feeling the laces between his fingers.

George laughed softly, "Dream.." He said out, the blonde underneath him looked at him into the eyes. "Can I touch you..?"

Dream burned a small red that was spread across his cheeks, he's never done that in a while. A small gulp went down his throat, and he nodded in response.

George smiled happily, slowly sitting up, he gently took of the boy's hoodie and shirt. George's hand strolled up the other's chest, Dream could only bite his lip—feeling that warm frame move up to his neck.

"Tap me if you're starting to feel uncomfortable. Okay, love?" George informed while Dream noted that, the brunette's soft hands just caressed the boy's body. George leaned down, pressing his lips on Dream's neck, right on the tattoo spot.

Dream started to feel George kiss his neck all over and his kisses started to move down to his chest. George was trying to be gentle as possible, one his hands moved over to Dream's pants, and he slipped inside. The blonde winced, he felt George's hand move to his erection—stroking it.

Dream's head laid back, breaths escaping his mouth as George's finger pressed along the tip. Dream whined, clamping his hand tightly onto George's hair. The brit was rubbing the most sensitive spot ever so lightly, letting the other release a moan.

George flushed, that noise was so hot and George craved for more. His lips smashing onto Dream's, their tongues winded, Dream felt his stomach grow warmth as George kept stroking, wanting to let it go.

"George.. I need to-" Dream speaks but George took his hand away from the boy's member. Dream sobbed, "G-George?" The brunet was fucking edging, wasn't he?

"Can you beg for me?" George whispered, his warm breath brushing against Dream's neck.

Dream whimpered, "Please- I need you," He pledged.

"How bad, baby?" George kissed Dream on the cheek, slowly taking off the other's pants which was pulled down Dream's leg.

"Very badly.." Dream confessed, George grew a smile.

"Just sit and look pretty for me, sweetheart." George got up again and took off Dream's boxers. George leaned over to his stand, grabbing the lube to which he squeezed a few pumps in his hand, coating his fingers. "Ready, darling?" He asked.

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