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Dream just stood there, listening to those words that progressed through his eardrums, his mind. It's like his whole heart stopped working, he couldn't believe those words, he didn't even believe the situation he was in.

"W-what? No, no—please tell me that isn't true." Dream couldn't barley let his words out, his brain was lost, and he was trembling in anguish. "What do you mean you can't c-cure it? Is Boots going to live?—please tell me!"

The vet seemed sorry herself, she watched Dream break down with sobs, viewing at the blonde boy suffer with anxiety and distress as he comforted his cat.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Woods. Boots has been diogased with...cancer. We cannot do anything about it, to which I sincerely apologize." The woman informed, Dream just couldn't help but cry more, crumbling down to the floor helplessly.

"S-Sir, i'm very sorry about this. But, Boots is in a lot of pain. I'm afraid that you'll have to-" The vet spoke.

Dream gives her a look with an anxious feeling, tears just covering his cheeks as more filled his eyes. "H-he's not going to make it.. is he?"

The vet exhaled, "Mr. Woods, you'll have to make a decision to put him down."

Dream fully stopped and gave the woman in front of him a confused but scared glare. Those words were not to which he expected, he didn't want that, not at all. He couldn't even do anything at the moment, he was sweating, crying, not having a clue what he was going to do. His cat was dying and there was no way of helping it.

The blonde tried to catch his breath, only losing it the more he tried. He fumbled with his hands, as he looked at his cat that looked he was already giving up, laying there with devastating exhaustion.

Dream coughed out a sob, "P-please, can I have a moment?" He asked, his voice was unstable to control. He got a nod from the woman, quickly rushing out the room and heading straight outside to get some fresh air.

Nothing kept his tense from getting lower, himself was unease as he walked back and fourth with a heartbreaking mind. A weird bubbling feeling in his chest. Dream took out his phone and dialed Fundy's number as more tears were forced out his eyes, he hugged himself as the phone rang.

Fundy didn't pick up. Dream tried again, no answer. He was having the most horrible feeling, tension as he broke down and cried to himself. He needed someone to get advice from or answers since his own mind wouldn't help, it hurt. His own fiancé wasn't picking up the phone while he stayed in this situation with no idea what he was going to do.

Babe, pick up- Please. Dream sobbed as he tried to call Fundy again, leaning on the wall with unhelpful enduring nerves. Please, I need you.

No answer once again, Dream cried.



George opened Dream's house door with a pick, taking a step in and doing a look around to see nobody was home. Not even Fundy's car was found in the driveway.

Quackity followed in afterwards, he honestly had a bad feeling about whatever George was thinking but went along with it.

George grinned, "Hm, might as well start going through some of Fundy's stuff." He laughed wickedly.

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