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It was the morning, bright and early. Dream was in the kitchen, making Patches a bowl of food.

Of course, he cried during the night. But, at least he had some company after losing his cat, Patches helped him. She was definitely really friendly, wrapped around Dream's finger already.

No, Patches was not a replacement for Boots. Even though Dream got her so quickly after his cat's death. He just couldn't help to leave a poor kitty out there like that, he needed to take her in. Besides, nobody could replace Boots.

He was happy about Patches, he still missed Boots as well though. He thought about burying Boots in his backyard maybe after he was cremated.

Today, Dream was thinking about going to the pet store to get Patches a collar, and maybe a few treats, as well as some new toys since the ones Boots used were already chewed up.

Dream could tell himself was moving on quickly, and it hurt to know that was the truth. He just couldn't help it, losing the joy of his cat was hard and he just wanted to wall them up by taking care of this new cat, Patches.

How would Fundy even feel about this? He was so busy that he didn't even get the chance to hear about how Boots was dead.

God, Dream didn't know what to do. He had so much on his plate, he was so worried on what to do.
What if Fundy comes home and just sees a random cat laying on his floor? He would definitely freak out.

And speak of Fundy. Dream hasn't heard anything from him since last night, after they had a small tense conversation. He hasn't responded to messages, now the blonde boy was just getting worried.

Why did Fundy always do this?

And then, Dream had that thought.

Does he even love me?

Click! A door opened, Dream's eyes focused over to the ginger entering the house. And the boy's eyes widened, "F-Fundy!" He rushed over to the other.

Fundy had a smile, as he stumbled into the home wobbling. He fell into Dream's arms and hugged him, "Hi baby," He mumbled, his head snuggling into Dream's neck as he kissed him on the cheek sloppily.

"Are you okay? Where have you been?" Dream asked softly, brushing some hair away from the boy's face. A smell tracked through his noise from the atmosphere, it was strong.

Fundy went drinking. Again.

"Just out with the boys, Clay." Fundy giggled low, he stood up steady but it literally looked like he was about to tumble down again. He kissed his lover on the lips, "Don't worry too much."

"You've been gone for-" Dream was cut off.

"Stop worrying so much, Clay. Sometimes you need to let me go and let me handle things on my own." Fundy's appearance changed, he sounded more annoyed and his eyes turned into stone cold.

Dream was timid, he backed away. "F-Fundy, you've been gone for two days! Now, all of a sudden you come home at 7 AM?" He remarked.

Fundy rolled his eyes at his lover, "God, give me a break." He muttered, walking away. Leaving the blonde to shake.

"Fundy—Boots is dead!" Dream shouted. "H-he had cancer and you weren't even there to comfort him when he died. Nick fucking came instead of you!"

Fundy stopped, his back facing the other. Dream thought he was shocked after finally hearing the truth.

The ginger scoffed, "You think I didn't know Boots had cancer?"

Dream paused, "W-what?"

"Clay," Fundy turned, "I knew Boots had cancer ever since we got him, three months ago." He stated.

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