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Dream stumbled in the house, closing the front door as he looked around. Patches came walking up to him, sitting in front of the boy with a meow.

Dream looked down at the cat and scoffed lightly, "Hey Patches.." He got on his knee and let his hand pet the small animal. "I got you some things!" He pulled some things out from his shopping bag, the collar. He strapped the small green collar around Patches's soft neck.

Meow! Patches purred herself against Dream's hand, the other let out a small laugh. "I'm guessing Fundy is still home?" He asked the kitten, she just sat there and stared at him. Dream didn't actually expect for his cat to talk, he wasn't that crazy.

Dream got up and set the things he bought today on the kitchen counter, he made his way to Fundy's room, opening his door quietly as his eyes caught the ginger sleeping on his bed.

The blonde almost smiled, but he didn't. He just looked at Fundy before closing the door. He couldn't help but get distracted by the ring on his finger, he thought about the whole marriage thing.

And Dream started to have second thoughts.

Why did he always get paranoid about these sort of things? For a sudden, he didn't think that him and Fundy were even meant for each other. Something just didn't feel right, but he ignored it.

He couldn't leave Fundy, he was so sweet and he reminded him of George. He knew George needed a different path for his future, and Dream took that shot. Maybe, he should just stay with Fundy, it was for the better.

Dream really hoped George was doing well, and maybe happy with his new soulmate perhaps.

What else could he be doing?


Anthony screamed as he fell on the floor, Quackity stood before him with a bat in his hand, and a malicious grin tugged on his lips.

"Could you hurry the fuck up?" George grumbled as he was resting on a sofa. They were currently in Anthony's apartment and George just wanted to leave. "I wanna go see Dream.." He frowned.

"Maybe this thing would be quicker if you were HELPING me!" Quackity brought up, he gave George a stink eye but the only thing the brit did was shrug in return.

"Alex, please! We can t-talk about this." Anthony cried, scooting his ass back on the floor as Quackity didn't give a fuck at the point.

Quackity let out the most angering huff, he got down and pushed Anthony more to the ground. "Do you know what kind of STUNT you pulled off to ruin my FUCKING LIFE?!" He yelled right into the boy's face, his eyes had a light burning flame inside of them if you looked close enough.

Anthony couldn't speak, not even an excuse to use, he had a face of terror. George walked up with moody eyes, handing Quackity a knife.

"I've always wanted to murder the shit out of you ever since that fucking night." Quackity snatched the weapon from George's hand, pinning one of Anthony's hand down as he held the knife to the other's neck.

"Alex, P-PLEASE!" Anthony sobbed.

"You broke me and my favorite boys ever apart! I was LONLEY, ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Quackity cried, a year he couldn't hold managed to slip out his eye. "They hated me because of you.."

George stared at Quackity, he pressed his lips and his hand rested on the ravenette's shoulder. "Take it all out." He said and left Quackity with Anthony.

Quackity was holding his anger in, but now, he was going to make Anthony feel that anger out of death.

"Alex-" Anthony's eyes were shaking.

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