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Dream sits on Sapnap's couch, the raven went into the kitchen to make a bowl of popcorn since they were trying to finish the Netflix Series. The blonde just continued to watch the show on the T.V screen, laying back on the sofa and waiting for Sapnap to come back.

"Hey Nick, we're home!" A familiar voice called out, Dream turning his head to see Karl and Quackity walking in from the door, taking their shoes off.

Dream scoffed, his brow lifted on his face. "There you guys are," He spoke, the the others entering the living room to see Dream on the couch.

"Oh! Hey Dream, what are you doing here?" Karl chirped with a smile, but he exactly knew what the boy was doing here, he just played along. "Don't you have your anniversary with George today?"

Dream laughed, standing up. "Uhm—yup. I just came by to comfort Nick for the day, me and George are going to have dinner soon." He informed, lifting his shoulders.

"That's great, bud! How much years have you two been together again?" Quackity chimed into the conversation.

"5 years," Dream replied, his expression being bright.

Karl let out a small 'woah', gaining a slight smirk. "So, planning onto marrying George in the future?" He brought up, nudging Quackity by his side.

Dream paused, having a blank face. "Uh-" He faced his eyes somewhere else, "Never really thought about that before," He chuckled nervously, shrugging.

The blonde hummed, thinking about it again. Marriage? Would he even deserve to even marry George?

Dream blinked, just stayed silent. He pressed his lips together and did a glance at his watch, his eyebrows shooting up. "Ah- Right. I gotta get going to dinner, don't wanna be late." He affirmed.

Sapnap stepped into the living room with the bowl of popcorn, his eyes immediately looking at his two lovers who arrived. "Oh! Hey guys, how was you errands?" He awkwardly pointed out.

"It was fine. Sorry we weren't able to be here to comfort you, hun." Quackity pout, walking over to the other raven and smooching him on the cheek. "And, sorry for your loss that your grandma died."

"What? Your grandma died?" Chris just randomly walked into the living room, his face being concerned. "What the hell- You didn't tell me! " He spat.

Sapnap grimaced while Dream turned bemused, "You didn't know?" The dirty blonde asked, "I thought Sap told yo—"

"Dream!" Sapnap interrupted embarrassingly, cutting the boy off. "Don't you have a special date to attend?" He reminded.

"Oh, shit-" Dream muttered, "Right! I'll see you guys later, bye! Feel better, Sap!" He excused himself, sprinting over to the front door and leaving the house.

Chris looked at Sapnap again, the raven groaned. "It was an excuse for him to get out the house, it's his and George's anniversary, and George needed to set up some things." Sapnap explained with a sigh, only rolling his eyes.

"Oh, congrats to him then." Chris laughs, his eyes narrowed over to the fluffy brunette, smiling and heading over to him. "Hey Karl," He speaks.

Karl looks at Chris, returning a smile back. "Hey Chris, what's up?" He started, earning a smirk from the other.

"I was wondering if you wanted to try out that new cafe that just opened, I was going to invite Chandler and Jimmy as well." Chris insisted.

"Oh, sure." Karl shrugs, accepting the request. "Wouldn't be a bother, the gang hasn't hanged out in a while anyway." He laughed out. Chris continued their talk, weirdly putting his hand on Karl's shoulder, causing Quackity to look over to them attentively.

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