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Dream cried into Sapnap's shoulder, breaking down as the house was scattered with a few cop cars, red and blue lights flashing. The blonde broke down, the raven tried to get the boy to settle down but nothing helped.

"I-I should've stayed home with him!" Dream sobbed, squeezing onto his best friend's shirt.

"Dream, please take a breath." Sapnap worried, stroking the other's hair.

"Sir?" A police officer walked up to the two, "Your name is Clay Woods, right?"

Dream pulled away from Sapnap and nodded, "Please tell me if there's any clue of him on where he w-went?" He asked nervously, his voice unsteady.

The police man sighed, "No, i'm sorry sir." He got a terrified face from Dream in return. "We can't put up the missing profile until the victim has been missing for 24 hours." He alerted.

Dream sniffed, "Oh god." He put his hands in his face, distressed about this whole situation. Fundy was missing. What the hell was he going to do?

"Could you please tell me your fiancé's name again?" The police man grabbed out a notepad, "And the last clothing he was possibly wearing?" He asked.

"H-his name is Fundy Damien, and the last clothing I saw him wearing was a red sweater and black jeans." Dream stated, swallowing, trying to rub his tears off his face.

"Okay, sir, we're going to run some D.N.A tests with the blood. Do you know what type of blood Fundy has?" The police officer questioned him again.

"AB negative, I think..." Dream cried, Sapnap just brought the blonde back into his arms.

"Is there anyone who has problems with Fundy that would possibly do this?"

"N-no, not that I know of.." Dream remarked.

"Okay," The man noted, he was pulled by another officer and the two had a short talk.

Dream was breathing heavily, "Sapnap—he's missing, what am I going to do?!" He cried, hugging the boy tightly.

"Hey.. maybe you should stay at my house until they find Fundy, you can't stay here by yourself. It's unsafe." Sapnap suggested to the blonde.

"No fingerprints, no sign of break in, nothing?" The police officer whispered, getting a 'no' from the other officer. The man nodded, grabbing something and heading back to Dream. "Sir,"

Dream turned to look, and the officer handed him Fundy's phone. The blonde stared at the device with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Once we're done with the blood samples, we'll give you a call, alright? Can I have your number or something to get in contact with you?" The officer inquired, handing Dream the note pad.

Dream sniffed and wrote his number down, and once the note pad was handed back to the officer, the man walked away. The blonde took a breath, "I'm going to go grab Patches and my things.."


Sapnap helped Dream carry some of his things inside the house, the blonde had his cat in his arms and the two boys entered the home together.

Karl was sitting on the couch, once he heard the door open he turned around to see Sapnap and Dream. He got off the touch and sprinted over to Dream, "Holy shit- Dream! Are you alright?!" He asked, pulling the boy into a quick hug.

Dream nodded with silence, having gloomy eyes and stained cheeks. Karl frowned, "God, i'm so sorry what happened." He hugged Dream again.

Dream closed his eyes, letting Patches jump out his arms and he cried into Karl's shoulder, soaking his clothes. "He's gone.."

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