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One of George's arms is hugging his legs together while he just softly cries to himself, tears of sorrow filling on his cheeks as he sits on his bed. He was just examining Dream's Instagram page, to which the brit didn't even know he had.

After their breakup, and they grew apart. Dream exterminated the Instagram account he had before, filled with photos and memories of him and George.

But now, the roles were reversed as Dream made a new account. The blonde replacing George with Fundy in all those pictures, now his whole page was just flooded with the ginger boy instead the brunet he once loved.

George's eyes just scroll through his device, seeing how Dream just had exultant smile in every since photo he had Fundy in. It's like it was that easy for Dream to move on so perfectly.

After 5 years—it's like the blonde didn't even have a small memory of George come across his mind.

George couldn't believe that Dream would actually love some homewrecker. He couldn't believe that Dream would marry such a pathetic asshole.

It just gave George deep misery, but also great rage of fury. It was a mixture of horrible feelings.

George stifled a small sob, he turned his iPhone off and tossed it somewhere else on the bed. His head lays back on the cold wall, thinking to himself, thinking about him. George just missed him so much, he just wanted to hold him in his grasp, kiss his soft pink lips, hear his calming voice, anything to get communication.

The brit sat up with tense and a bothering hunch of frustration. He trembled back and fourth, he could feel discomfort, he could feel a small timid spark of his other mind—telling him to do something.

George groaned, he just randomly went over to his dresser, his arms leaning on the furniture. He took a stuffy sniff, his eyes being shifty. He lowered his head to face his bland floor, his eyes being blank, but he could feel stress. He moved his hand a touched something on the dresser, his attention was caught and he looked up.

He stared at the item attentively, the small box.

The brit picked the box up, his hand opening the lid as he stared at the ring. George frowned, taking the ring out gently from the box and his eyes were stuck on the tiny jewelry in his hand, he held it like the most fragile thing in the world.

George cocked his head, then he grew a upset smile. "I miss you so much, Clay... I wish I could see you again-" George said, then paused. He knew he had something.

Dream's home location.

The brunette's eyebrows raised a little, he smirked  and caused a laugh out is mouth. Oh?

George could only grow a malicious grin, gain small chuckles. He bit his lip with small joy, peering down at the ring once more before gently sliding it on his finger.

George smiled, his cheeks lifting up with a light flushed red. "I-I can see you again.." He chortled out, he felt relief, he felt beaming as his heart skipped a beat. "I can see you again, my love.."

George just went through a year of pain and suffering. And now, his future awaits again. He had an opportunity to get Dream back, no matter the cause, he was going to get his lover back.

Even if it was force, even if it was death. George was claiming him back, Dream was going to be George's again, forever.

The boy started to rush out the room, snatching phone from off the bed before scurrying to the kitchen. He stared at the photo of Dream on the counter, picking it up and looking at the pretty boy again, George's hands trembling with bliss as he enjoyed his perspective of gazing at the boy.

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