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Dream hummed as his eyes opened, staring at the ceiling about him. He moved, seeing George snuggling right beside him and fast asleep. Dream couldn't help but smile at his view, slowly sitting up.

What time was it? It was still dark out. His eyes casted over to the clock that had the time written in bright red — 2:03 AM — He sighed, he felt like he couldn't even fall back asleep.

Dream pressed his lips, his vision was taken over to the door, which was unlocked. Dream's eyes gleamed at the lock, glancing at George one last time. Shit—this was going to be a big risk, was it?

Dream slowly and just tried to quietly to get out of bed, making sure he didn't wake the brit up. He made his way over to the door with haste and opened the door low, he stepped out the room into the dark living room.

Dream stared at the garage door, a thick nervous swallow tracked down his throat. He didn't look back, he rushed to the door so George wouldn't get up and find him. Dream found out the garage door was locked, shit.

Dream groaned, he twirled around and his eyes dotted around the big room, where could a fucking key be? He went over to the kitchen, opening drawers and shuffling through them. Then, he finally found the garage key and even a car key, he quickly took a small knife off the display to shove into his pocket, and running back to the door and unlocking it.

The door creaked, he stepped in and saw Fundy on the ground, his eyes were open but he had wounds everywhere—he looked so fucking exhausted. Along with Fiveup who laid next to him.

The ginger's tired eyes looked up as he saw the shoes step before him, he groaned—thinking it was George. But, then his eyes paused when he saw Dream. "C-Clay..?" His head lifted up, so weakly.

Dream exhaled shakily, he dashed over to the hurt boy. He lifted Fundy up, untying his knot quickly. "H-hey, are you okay?" He held Fundy's cheeks. The other just nodded slow.

"You need to get out of here." Dream whispered, helping Fundy get up, who seemed confused.

"W-what? What about you..?" Fundy whimpered.

Dream took a breath, "I have to stay here, Fundy-" He replied.

The ginger grimaced, "W-what? You're going to stay with that murderer? Dream—we can go together!" Fundy pointed out and the blonde only received a worried expression.

"Fundy- Don't. You literally tried to ditch me eariler!" Dream argued back, stepping away from the boy.

Fundy quivered, "I would've came back to you! You think i'm like that, Clay?" Fundy rambled out, and Dream delivered a forced scoff. "Baby, he hurts me. He's a psycho—what if he hurts you if you stay with him?! We can have a happy ending together!"

Dream pressed his lips, "Fundy-" He groaned and hit the button on the garage key, the garage door lifting up. "You need to leave!" He disagreed and looked down at Fiveup, about to untie him as well.

"Dream? Sweetie- Where are you?" George stepped into the room, his eyes froze when he saw the boys, who stared back. "Babe-" He bursted.

Dream trembled, he wanted to try and awake Fiveup—but he got pulled, getting dragged quickly by Fundy. "FUNDY—WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled out, in disbelief.

"WE CAN'T FUCKING STAY HERE!" Fundy brought up loudly, both of them running outside.

Dream felt nervous about this, he didn't even want to leave, yet here he was. Fundy took the car keys out of Dream's hand and they ran up to the car in the driveway, unlocking it.

"FUNDY, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" George's tempered voice called out, the two boys looked over to the brunet who's face seemed pissed as shit. George held Fiveup, who sat on his knees, with a knife right up to his neck.

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