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Dream pulls the car in front of the building, driving up to the front of the bar to where he could hear muffled music from inside, people walking out who seemed like drunk asses, waddling out the building.

The blonde pressed his lips together, opening the car door and getting out to cast his eyes around the place, trying to find the ginger boy who he came for.

"Baby!" Fundy chatted with a small goofy tone as he stumbled his way over, he fell into Dream's embrace and just pressed a hard kiss on the other's chin. "H-hi," He giggled, Dream could tell he wasn't sober.

The blonde kissed the boy on the lips, "Jesus- Do you know how late it is? You smell like absolute alcohol.." He lectured, gently holding the ginger up, "W-we should get home,"

Fundy's head dropped onto Dream's shoulder, "Okay, babe~" He had a lopsided smile tug onto his lips, hugging onto the dirty blonde who carried him over to the passenger car door, letting him hop in.

Dream let out a sigh, rubbing his eye and walking back over to the driver's side. Dammit...

"Leaving so soon?" Fiveup approached, a smile filling his face.

Dream faces over to the brunet who just appeared, letting out a small tired laugh. "O-oh, hey Fiveup." He mumbled, "Yep, I gotta get home and get some rest. I'm quite busy in the morning," He informed, taking a yawn out.

Fiveup looks over to the drunk Fundy that just sat in the vehicle, scoffing lightly. "Yeah, that boy needs some rest for the night. He drank...much." He decreed with a smirk towards the blonde.

Fiveup's eyes travel down to the ring on Dream's finger, his brows lifting. "Oh—right! Congrats on the engagement by the way." He points out.

"Oh, thank you!" Dream chuckles, his emerald eyes gleaming at the jewry he had on his finger. "I can't believe I actually said yes-"

"Why wouldn't you? You love him right?" Fiveup said with a small smirk.

Dream lifted his head up to stare at the other boy in the eyes, only returning the favor and smiling back. "Yeah, I love him." He confirmed.

"Alright... that's good to know, i'm so happy for you guys. Well- Goodnight, see you later, Dream!" Fiveup excuses himself finally, heading back into the bar, Dream's smile only fading away after.

Dream swallowed, opening the car door and hoping into the driver's seat to where he started up the engine. Fundy's hand reaches over to place on the blonde's thigh.

"Is something wrong, hun?" Fundy asked with a frown, he could see that Dream just looked lost at the moment.

Dream's head laid back on the head restraint with small tense, his hands squeeze onto the wheel. "I-it's one in the morning, Fundy! You should've called me earlier, y-you promised you wouldn't come home late." He blurted at the ginger, giving him a expression with exhaustion and deep distressed eyes.

"It was just a promise-" Fundy crossed his arms with a small roll of his eyes.

"J-just a promise?" Dream yowled, only hurt laced in his soft voice.

A small huff of warm breath left the other's nose, "Stop over exaggerating, will you? Why are you so worked up about some 'promise' that I made? Everybody breaks promises!" Fundy snickered out, the pair having cold eye contact with each other.

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