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Karl gets out of bed in the middle of night, his throat feels dry so he stumbles his way to the kitchen in the darkness. He got a cup and started to make himself some water.

The brunette started to hear some rumbling going on, his eyes looking at the door to where the lock was twisted. Karl froze, he quickly grabbed a knife from the display before the door opened.

Sapnap walked in with a hoodie over his face, and the two boys paused when they saw each other, both of them locked eyes.

"S-Sapnap? Holy shit—you scared me!" Karl complaints, putting the knife back to where it belonged.

The ravenette let out the most awkward chuckle, "Sorry about that, babe." He apologized and closed the front door.

"What the hell we're you doing out anyway? It's the middle of the night." Karl face's transformed into a questioning one towards his lover.

"Um," Sapnap grit his teeth, trying to think of an excuse. "I heard meowing outside and thought Patches got out-" He approached Karl and planted him a kiss on the forehead.

Karl scoffed with a cheeky smile, "You should really be careful about going out. I don't want you to get killed, do I?" He tugged some of Sapnap's hair out of his face.

Dream creeped over in the living-room, his body stopped when he saw the two boys in the kitchen. Sapnap let out a giggle, leaning in for a kiss with Karl and their lips placed together.

Dream stared at the two, eyes stuck on the two as he pictured him and George doing that. His eyes shined at the sight as he felt a gut, a hunch of yearning for his ex lover. He couldn't stand feeling like this, he missed George's affection and without Fundy, he just felt empty.

Karl spot Dream standing far away, "Oh- Hey Dream. You're up too?" He speaks.

The blonde smiles softly, "Yeah... I got thirsty."

Karl released a small little laugh, "Come, i'll make you some water." He beckoned Dream over with his hand, offering. And Dream made his way over.

"I'm gonna go to bed," Sapnap announced to Karl, who gave him a nod in return and one last kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Sap." Karl spoke gently.

"Night, Sapnap." Dream waved at him and Sapnap let out a chuckle.

"Night, guys." Sapnap said lastly before he got to walk away. But, Karl caught something in one of Sapnap's pockets before the raven got to leave in his room.

A lighter?

Karl ignored it and didn't think much of the item, he continued to help Dream make some water.


Fundy was unconscious, laying on the floor with his hands tied tightly behind his back, feet strapped with rope as well. He woke up as he heard the sound of a door open, eyes opening slowly as he felt himself touching the cold ground.

Fundy woke up with pain still, except the pain was everywhere. George cut the ginger up everywhere, even on his stomach. Now, Fundy just couldn't move at all, too weak to even shift.

Fundy's ears ringed with fainted footsteps coming his way, and then he heard someone muffling, trying to scream. Fundy looked up to see George throwing someone on the ground next to him.

George's eyes shifted at Fundy and gave him the most deadliest smile, getting down and snatching the ginger the ear. "Look's like you got company." He spoke before taking the duct-tape off the other boy beside Fundy.

"F-Fundy?!" Fiveup called his name.

Fundy slowly moved his head, seeing the brunette laying next to him, both stared at each other. Fundy hummed, "Fiveup..?"

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