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"S-Sapnap, please!" That's what Dream heard right when he woke up, his mind hazy as his eyes slowly opened tiredly, finding himself staring at the ground. Everything was cloudy, he just couldn't even remember what happened at first.

Dream's eyes were fluttering, not fully awake yet, he was in oblivion—not aware what was going on at the moment. He just felt so tired at first, his head slowly lifted up. His eyes was blurry at first but then he could focus on Karl struggling in a chair.

Dream was so confused beyond this point, he felt cold, and the room he was in was pretty much dark. He tried pulling his wrists but they were stuck, tied—perhaps?

The blonde tried to shift, he was stuck in a chair, in a dark room. He slowly tried to focus and he saw Sapnap beside Karl.

"Babe, please, stop struggling." Sapnap's voice said, but all Dream could hear was Karl cry. "You understand i'm not going to hurt you, right?"

Dream's head dangled back, he turned his vision over to—three other boys? He remembered that ginger hair, his mind cleared. One of the boys were standing up, holding a knife. Nothing felt like it was over his mouth. Could he speak? "Fundy...?" He mumbled.

The ginger's eyes were directed over to him, and the boy with the knife turned around to look over to Dream. The blonde's head rested back on the chair, "Fundy.." Dream sobbed tiredly.

The boy with the knife settled the weapon down on a table, he started talking towards Dream. The boy stood upon Dream, and the blonde's eyes gleamed at him with an exhausted expression.

George smiled, "Hi baby.." He crouched down a little, a hand was placed on Dream's cheek. "You feeling okay?" George asked.

Dream groaned, it was so hard to progress this, he couldn't even tell if he was dreaming or not. Another hand was cupped on his cheek, so soft..

"Sweetheart? You okay..?" George frowned, he looked away and he grabbed a water from that table. "Here," He offered.

Dream's chin was lightly lifted up as the brit leaned a water bottle to his mouth, the coldness of the water flowed through his mouth and that definitely awoke him. Dream swallowed, "What's happening..?" He questioned.

George giggled, "You're here with me," He replied with.

"George..?" Dream's head leaned closer, the boys' eyes were stuck on one-another. Dream's brows furrowed, "George.." He smiled slightly, his nose pressed onto the other's.

George had the most brightest smile, stroking Dream's gentle hair and gifting the blonde a kiss on the nose. "I missed you.." George whined, he was distracted by Dream's pretty enchanted eyes.

Dream closed his eyes and felt George's energy before him, he felt so happy and safe he started crying, tears formed again. George was worried at first, "Baby? What's wrong?"

Dream sniffed, his head snuggling into George's shoulder. The brunette melted, his heart felt beaming—rejoicing after Dream felt so comfortable with him. George kissed the other's head, hugging him.

"D-Dream!" Dream's eyes opened again, he looked to his side and saw Fundy. Bruised, wounded, and...frightened.

Dream's minds cleared and he concentrated, "F-Fundy?" He muttered, struggling in his seat. "Fundy?!"

George groaned from the ginger interrupting them, standing in front of Dream. "Hey... ignore him, look at me." He tried to distract the boy, playing with his hair.

Dream grunted, trying to get out his seat. "What's happening?!" He yelled, looking over to Karl who stared back. Dream's eyes widened, "K-Karl?" He was in disbelief, finally snapping .Dream was having a panic attack on where he actually was.

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