Chapter Three

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Adrian Winters

I walk out of Chemistry probably one of my favourite classes. Though that's probably because I've had an interest in medical science ever since I was a little kid.

Nico and me both clear a path as students move to allow the two of us easy passage through the halls of Thornbrook.

Riley had been non stop messaging me telling me and it was only as I got into the halls that I took out my phone.


Received 9:00

Received 9:25

Received 9:45

Knock knock it's the devil
Received 10:05

Are you ignoring me?
Received 10:30

Riley I fucking swear to God I will kill you if you don't shut up right now
Read 11:30

Jeez. That's harsh, I just wanted to tell you I met this girl named Olivia in math
Received 11:31

And I care why?
Read 11:32

The girl turned down Hunter hardcore, she also bugged the shit out of him for the past two classes, you would like her
Received 11:33

This intrigued me, no girl Hunter ever flirted with turned him down ever.

Oh, that's a first
Read 11:34

Yeah it is, I said she could sit with us at lunch come see her.
Recieved 11:35

Read 11:36

Turning off my phone off, I pocket it and round the corner to see the two boys and the back of a brunette, who must have been five-seven at the least since Hunter was five-ten and Riley was six foot. I'm six-two and Nico's five-eleven.

"Riley, Hunter" I call down the hallway and all three stop, before turning, the girl being the last, but when she does I almost stop. Almost.

It's the same girl I saw this morning, and this wierd feeling in my chest arises, and won't go away.

"Adrian, this is Olivia Thorne, Olivia this is Adrian Winters" Riley said gesturing between us, though we both are looking at each other.

"Nice to meet you Olivia" I say without thinking, but it's too late as both Riley, and Hunter have looks of shock cross their faces for a split second, and I would imagine Nico does too.

I never say anything like that to anyone outside of my friends, but all of them I've known since I was in grade school. So this is a first.

Olivia then swallows, I can see the vague intimidation on her face from my presence, it's the effect I have on nearly everyone, Nico's even said my glares could freeze boiling water.

"H-hi Adrian, n-nice to meet you too" she says shakily, but I can still tell her voice is soft, just like mine, though hers is gentle.

Letting out a sigh, I walk past my group of friends to stand in front of them and walk towards the cafeteria.

When we get there I push open the door, and everyone falls silent watching us, but one glare from me makes everyone turn back to what they were doing.

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