Chapter Thirty

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I lean back in my chair as I sit down. I had handed in my exam before everyone quickly followed by Olivia and Nico.

"Once you are done the exam and have handed it in you are free to go" Mrs. Raymond says.

I then snatch my textbook and phone before walking away out of class back to my locker, I then put my things back and check the time.


Deciding I want to be left alone I walk away towards the library, before I hear footsteps behind me.

"Adrian" Olivia calls after me.

"Olivia" I say turning around to wait for her to catch up, though in her defense I'm seven inches taller then her.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Library" I say before my subconscious makes me continue, "you're free to join me".

Well guess I won't be alone.

It's not bad though Olivia simply being around me is calming, and it gives me the chance to ask about London.

We walk into the large library, and head towards the back corner of the room where a large amount of books are, I then found the book The Spy And The Traitor. I own the book but I also haven't read it very much I'm only on chapter four.

I then lead Olivia to a section of older books and encyclopedia's and I pull the one on the top corner.

"Smart using books that no sane person will ever use" Olivia comments as we walk into a room that me and the group made our own. I take in the two leather couches, large TV, small black marble kitchen, second level which had a line of four small rooms for all of us to sleep in. Its happened before. The area is more like a small four bedroom apartment then a secret room that me and the boys use all the time.

"Welcome to the lair of the Golden Boys, as pretentious and egotistic as that sounds, you can probably tell who came up with that" I say as I sit down on the nearest couch while Olivia wanders around the place familiarizing herself with it.

"I like it, the whole place seems secretive, I also think you use it more then them, it smells like you in here", she then blushes out of embarrassment of what she just said but I smirk.

"I'll take that as a compliment" I say with a smirk, and it seems to calm her but only slightly.

"Adrian why are you really the only one of the group that comes here?" Olivia asked looking at me and I can tell that she is trying to move on from her embarrassment.

"Because they know I like my privacy and well this is only used when its been a late day here".

"Late day? What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"Any of us getting detention and having to stay till after school closes" I say, "the fresh food in the cupboard should tell you how often that happens".

"Yeah I don't doubt that one of you got a detention in the past week" Olivia said and I raise my free hand.

"Of course it was you" she says walking over and sitting on the other side of me.

"I straightened someone out for calling you a gold digger, I promise that's all that happened" I say observing her face.

"Wait, you're nervous of what I think of you".

This is what happens when you all but live in the same house.

"Yes, I've waited for you to say that all the terrible things I've done are to much to handle, that you don't want to be around me because of it" I say with a sigh, "I hate being vulnerable but I am always around you, you make me want to be a better person whether you see it or not".

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