Chapter Thirty Eight

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The sun was what woke me up and I moved to carefully get out of the bed, I then walked out of the room and into the living room where a cart with various types of food had been placed.

I then make two plates for me and Adrian and since I know he eats twice what I do I double the amounts.

I also grab a coffee for myself and attempt to think of what Adrian likes landing on orange juice, and carrying the one plate to his side of the bed and setting it down.

"What time is it?" a voice asks and I realize its Adrian who now is looking at me.

"Eight" I reply, and he sits up rubbing his eyes and I take a moment to observe how even when he first wakes up he looks perfect messy hair and all.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" he says before his eyes meet the tray of food.

"Did you make this?" he asks pointing at it.

I wish.

"No, it came with the suite I'm pretty sure" I say taking a bite of my raspberry jam toast.

"Oh" he says and picks up the tray setting it on his lap, "so what do you want to do today?".

"Sleep on the way back to London" I reply, and he chuckles.

"Alright, just let me pack the car first, you stay here" Adrian says climbing out of the bed and walking over to where his bag is and pulled out a pair of black jeans, a V-neck, and blazer.

"Why do you want me to stay here?" I ask cocking my head at him.

"That's a secret, but I have to shower first" he replies, and walks into the bathroom and closing the door.

Ten minutes later the door opens, and I get hit with cold air, before Adrian emerges a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Did you have a cold shower?" I ask glancing over at the white Paris cityscape outside.

"Yes, I needed it" he says pulling on his clothing, before pulling his jeans on with the towel still around his waist before removing it.

"Only you" I mutter, and he quickly folds the clothes he wore yesterday and stuffing them into his bag, before he turns to me, and using his head to gesture to the bag.

I then do exactly what he did, taking my clothes that I was going to wear today, dark navy blue jeans, and a cream turtleneck. I then disappear into the bathroom, and fold my clothes from yesterday, and the pajamas I wore before slipping them between the crack of the bathroom door.

"There, don't do anything weird with them" I call jokingly, and I hear Adrian chuckle.

"I'm not horniness with legs unlike Hunter" he says walking into the bedroom, as I close the door.

I then have a quick shower, and get dressed, before walking out of the room, and Adrian, and our bags are gone.

As I walk through the suite I notice a small square piece of light grey and silver paper with ALW inscribed into it.

Only Adrian would have personalized paper.

I then look at the note along with what it says.

I had to go out for a bit bellissima I will be back in about ten minutes if not you have my phone number.

Smiling I fold the note, and finish my breakfast, while waiting for him.

When the door opens Adrian walks in dusting snow out of his dark hair.

"I liked the snow it was a nice touch" I say and he smirks.

I like him like this smiling, and at ease.

"Was it, maybe next time. Anyway come on, the car is warmed up" he says leading me out the suite's door, after I grabbed my coat, and slipped on my ankle boots.

When we got down to the car I pulled the door open and was about to get in but a large metallic grey wrapped box is covering my seat, included was a crimson bow on top.

"You bought me something, jesus Adrian" I say lifting the box so I can get into the SUV.

He then puts the car in drive, as I begin to peel the wrapping paper off.

When I finally get it pulled off I'm met with a black and tan grey Hermes Kelly II purse.

"Adrian I...I can't take this" I say looking at him.

"Why, do you not like it?" he asks.

"No, no it's not that, I love it but it's way to expensive".

"Further reason for you to have it" he says, using his free hand since he drives with his left hand to place the balled up paper in the box then placing the box behind his seat carefully.

Man makes what this car is worth probably every ten minutes and he still treats it with care.

"Thank you Adrian, really" I say looking over at him and he just smiles.

"You're welcome, Livi" he says checking his mirror and getting into the neighboring lane of traffic.

"No one going fast enough for you" I tease.

"No they're all doing under the speed limit, were in a city its fifty here in Europe not forty".

"Doesn't seem like we're going that fast".

"Kilometres an hour" Adrian adds and it makes sense.

He then connects his phone to the car and hands it to me, "choose a song" he says and I begin to scan through them until I stop and tap on a song I haven't heard in a few years.

"I forgot I had this song" Adrian says as he begins to sing alone to the song.

I eventually join in, though both of us singing drowns the actual artists voices.

"Are you lonely anymore?" I ask when the song ends because how Adrian sang it made it seem more emotional, and it was what the song was partially about.

"Not when I have you here with me" he says and the vulnerability in that statement hits me like a wave.

"Good thing for you I'm not going anywhere" I say and he smiles.

Even I forget at times all the things that Adrian had been through, and yet he stands strong because it's what is expected of him.

"I'm glad you're not Olivia, I guess it's what it's like realizing you had a piece missing from you the whole time, and you only realize it when the person that is that last piece comes into your life, and I'm glad it's you Olivia who is that piece for me".

"I'm glad you're that same piece for me to Adrian" I say and I feel him squeeze my hand lightly, until I realize something.

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve" I say mostly to myself.

"Yes it is" Adrian says.

"I need to go shopping for you".

"You can take the car when we get home" he says as we leave Paris.

"Okay" I say, and we both go back to holding hands and singing.

I never expected to come to Paris with the guy I fell for and leave as his girlfriend.

I guess some surprises are good after all.
Okay so I want to tell all of you I have an idea for the rest of this book, and I hope its interesting it's sort of cliche but it serves a purpose I promise. Also comment your thoughts on the book please there appreciated, and vote and share. Anyways


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