Chapter Fifty Four

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I woke up to my name being whispered in my ear.




Opening my eyes I look to the source, which happens to be Ava.

"As cute as you two look sleeping, wake up, foods here" she says.

I look over at Adrian who happens to be still asleep.

"Adrian" I say near his ear and he doesn't stir.


"I'm going to walk out of the room someone yell that I'm in trouble" I say detaching myself from him, and walking upstairs, giving a thumbs up to the group who turn my request into a full performance, by rushing over to him and shaking him harshly.

"Adrian Olivia's in trouble" Mia says sounding panicked.

Damn she's a good actor.

Adrian shoots up and is off the couch is a single motion before I walk down the stairs and he sees me.

"I thought you said she was in trouble, doesn't fucking look like it to me" he mutters.

"That was my idea because I didn't want to be the one to wake you" I say.

"Just like me" I hear him say under his breathe before we all begin to fill our plates.

Walking into the dining room we all sat down before we all began to eat with small conversations coming from around the table.

"Adrian you have to tell us the time when Hunter came to your penthouse drunk for the first time" Ava says.

"Oh my God, we were there Nico remember that" Mia says to her brother.

"Fuck no, I'm not proud of that don't you dare" Hunter warns.

"Alright I'll tell it" Adrian says setting his fork down, and looking up at everyone.

"So one night, I was about fourteen when I had first gotten the penthouse, I'm standing by the window looking over Central Park at about eleven at night, Mia and Nico were over Mia was asleep on the couch me and Nico were talking about some upcoming fundraiser event we were being forced to attend. Well all of a sudden my phone rings so I pick it up and it's the receptionist of One57 saying that there is someone here who apparently knows me, so I tell her to send him up, and low and behold here's Hunter reeking of tequila I only know that because I asked, so I'm hauling him to the bathroom because he's a mess, I give him some salt water, get it out of his system I gave him some Tylenol for the headache cure it before he gets it, and stuck him in bed and when he woke up the first thing all three of us heard was 'where the fuck am I?' so we all go into the room and Hunter sees all of us and goes, 'shit I'm so sorry', he didn't show up to school for week because of the hangover".

"That sounds awful" I say.

"It was, because we all thought he would get alcohol poisoning or something, and I think he felt like shit from drinking and that we all had to baby him" Mia says.

"I'm pretty sure Nico spend like half the night finding ways to remedy him so he didn't feel absolutely terrible the next morning" Adrian points out.

"I didn't want to see my friend feeling terrible, even though he's an idiot for drinking that much" Nico says.

"Okay in my defence I haven't been drunk since Sebastian's party at the beginning of this year".

"And I've only gone to the office once this year" Adrian says.

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