Chapter Fifty Nine

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Olivia Thorne

After school, me and Adrian were walking out of the school, before we saw all of the rain pouring down outside, which was marking the windows with soft tapping.

"We're in luck I have an umbrella" Adrian says pushing open the front doors and opening the black umbrella, before covering our heads.

"I thought you liked rain" I tease looking up at him.

"I also don't want you being cold before you start working" he says, as we walk over to our cars, which I will admit though the amazing white Porsche he bought me is expensive it looks cheap in comparison to the French black beauty beside it.

"Thank you for your consideration" I say as he holds the umbrella above me so I don't get wet, while I get into my car.

Adrian didn't waste anything when he chose my car, it was fully loaded and the interior was black with piano lacquer, which I will admit I did actually want in a car, so I was a little shocked when I realized it was in my first car.

"See you there bellissima" he says with a smile before closing my door, and I wave at him, before starting my car.

I then drive away from the school, and turn on one of the songs that makes me think of Adrian.

Singing along with the song I tap my steering wheel, on the drive back to Brooklyn, It had also been through Adrian's supposed connections that I was legally aloud to drive at sixteen because of a workers license, which had an extended term.

I eventually got to work, and parked across the street, before crossing and entering Starbucks.

"Hey Olivia" Samantha one of the friends I made here though she prefers to be called Sam, greets from behind the counter.

She's a little shorter then me with auburn hair, and light brown eyes, she's also a really happy bubbly person. Samantha is also really fun to work with.

"Hey Sam, how is it going?".

"Good, I still wonder what it's like going to the most elite school in the country" she says pointedly looking at me.

"Its normal for the most part aside from being one of the few scholarship students there" I say walking into the back to change into my green apron.

"I bet, anyway customers will probably start arriving so get out here to help me" she say right as I walk around the corner.

"I'm coming your majesty" I tease right as the door opens and the first few customers come in.

I've learned to be cheerful with customers makes them want to come back, and well I also enjoy it, it makes me feel normal, and contributive to society.

A while later as I'm handing a caramel Frappuccino with extra whip cream, I hear the distinctive growl of an engine and look out the glass entrance to see Adrian's black Chiron parked front and centre by the entrance before it shuts off.

"Olivia, why is there a um, sports car outside?" Sam asks looking at me, but before I can answer Adrian gets out of the car, and I realize how powerful he looks when in front of you, and as a person who now will have to give him coffee.

Good thing I know his exact order.

"Damn, he's good looking" Sam whispers.

"I know, he's my boyfriend" I reply quietly and she goes wide eyed before I laugh.

It also isn't just Sam who's attention Adrian grabs, he's a very confident person, and he carrys it everywhere he goes along with the fact that he's also calmly imposing.

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