Chapter Thirty Seven

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Olivia Thorne

Holy shit he asked me to be his girlfriend I can't believe it.

My thought is however interrupted by me answering and his lips on mine.

This kiss is different it doesn't feel held back, it's soft and pure, and even then it feels loving and makes the adrenaline in my body go into overload.

When he pulls away I can see into his dark grey eyes, that at this moment look black from how dilated they are.

"I love you too Adrian Winters" I say and I can see him smile, before he pulls me to his chest and looks down at me.

"You don't know how long I've wanted you to say that bellissima".

Neither do you but I'm glad I have.

"I don't need to know it might ruin the moment" I say, and he just smirks.

"I suppose we should get back to the hotel" he says looking over to where the sky is blanketed in thick grey clouds.

"Apparently New York weather followed us".

"Or the UK's".

This time I take his hand and we begin to walk back to the Shangri La Hotel.

When we get back, Adrian holds the door open as we walk through the hotel and go up to our room.

The room is actually quite spacious, with a white and grey theme, there is also a living room with a sofa and TV, a chandelier hangs from an inverted dome above our room, and a balcony that seems to have an outdoor dining area, there was also a bedroom and a bathroom.

"I like this" I say wandering through the hotel suite.

"So do I it's a little bright for my taste but it'll work" Adrian says removing his coat and scarf.

"That's because you live in a world of shades" I comment and he just shakes his head.

"Yes I do I won't deny that for a single second" Adrian says with a sigh and walking into the bedroom and I can see him set his bag down by the dresser before walking back out.

"You say that with a level of sadness" I say, and I can see it, he has two faces and the one he shows me is him as he truly is, and it pulls at my heart strings.

"My parents were never home Olivia, as a child I nearly died, I was nineteen weeks premature, and the doctors thought I was going to die, I could have had so many issues hearing loss, blindness, extra chromosomes from cell division the inability to walk or speak, asthma, I got stuck with kidney issues, I've had seven surgeries one roughly every two years it stopped when I was thirteen. I had to deal with everything on my own bellissima, I learned to cook by the time I was six, I could do what most adults learned to do by ten. I was deprived of a childhood, I was also the thinnest, and shortest kid in my class, and would be picked on for it I was jumped five times before I reached high school, I lost nearly everyone I was close to beside the boys and parents and Kate, I had my head smashed into a window at nine. I'm not asking for pity, but my sadness comes from the fact that no one I have ever cared about stays, the people I could trust betray me, and I was picked on maliciously, until I fought back and I went from the weakling to a monster, I took out my anger through violence and I eventually got through it and go to the boxing gym when I do get angry. My life was a storm until I met you and now it's calm and peaceful and I'm releasing my demons because I know you can take them, just as I can take yours. I was a fucked up boy and now I'm a less fucked up man" he says.

Why has this perfect man endured so much pain?

"Adrian, I'm never leaving you no matter what happens I won't go anywhere ever, you want to know why. Because when someone cares enough there is nothing about someone that is too much, that can't be accepted. I want to know every shadow you've walked through every bump in the road just as I want to know every bright day and your favorite things about life. About your life".

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